Ms. Benedikt’s “rationale”? [Yeah, I use the term loosely.] Incredibly selfish parents who send their kids to private schools are “ruining one of our nation’s most essential institutions in order to get what’s best for their own kids.”
Benedikt goes on to say that, in her way of thinking, “if every single parent sent every single child to public school, public schools would improve.”
Oh, good, then “every single child” would learn “every single thing the same way” and “every single “progressive” in America would be pleased as punch, huh, Allison? I don’t want to get too melodramatic here, but that sounds like it could’ve been a great selling point for Hitler’s Youth Camps.
Benedikt then gets downright hilarious:
“This would not happen immediately. It could take generations. Your children and grandchildren might get mediocre educations in the meantime, but it will be worth it, for the eventual common good.”
Yes, America, screw your kids and your grand kids – we’re all in this for the “common good” of future generations, right? Yeah, no.
My guess is that Allison Benedikt is against vouchers and tuition tax credits. Also probably the Catholic church.
It all comes down to the left wanted to "spread the misery around" under the guise of "spreading the wealth around." Simply ridiculous. In the article she mentions that she has a public school education. Really, I would never have guessed.