It's funny how things are connected.
Like death, sex and money. I mean, they named a documentary after those three heavy topics.
Check this out: a guy is pimping his book about another book about what happens after death and his event announcement give a nod to the famous pornographic title Debbie Does Dallas. Then the next day we find out in a comment to another book-pimping post that this guy's publisher, Regan Arts, has (somehow) pulled in a winner of a book review from Kirkus for another of its books described as a "the sex-drenched memoir" of a famous Las Vegas pimp, Dennis Hof. The memoir prominently features one of Hof's friends, Ron Jeremy, a legendary adult film actor who incidentally did his stick—I mean his shtick—in all three of the Debbie Does Dallas sequel films. Interesting....
Everyone does know that cover of the book about another book about what happens after death has undergone a revision since the original cover, don't they? I think the new one might sell better—it features nudity. Regan Arts knows their business.
It's funny how things are connected.
I'd expect the bipolar sinner to buy a copy of each, Dennis Hof's book for the ride up the sin escalator, Dreher's as a tonic for the inevitable remorseful ride down the other side.
ReplyDeleteIt's a testimony to Ms. Regan's skill as a publishing madam to bring such complimentary whores together under one roof for such efficient customer satisfaction.
Is my memory deceiving me, or when Rod was promoting his book about his late sister, wasn't the title of one of his posts (at least initially) something like "Ruthie Does Dallas?"
ReplyDeleteI believe you are correct. I recalled that, too. I found the post, the title of which he changed, but there was a comment left up that referred to the first title. Affirming Rod's use of it, of course, telling him how much Ruthie would love it and laugh at it . . .
DeleteYes, there was a post named that. He acted all embarrassed when someone called attention to the title, as if readers were supposed to laugh and wink, and even -- if I remember -- feigned ignorance of the reference. Unbelievable.
DeleteYep -- I proud that I simply don't get his "sense of humor".
A man who titles a blog post "Dante Does Dallas" has nothing to teach anyone about Dante. Nothing.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, Tom, the book won't be about Dante. It'll be about Dreher.
DeleteYou're both right. In any case, there's something so gobsmackingly wrong about that blog post title, on so many levels, as to make it clear that you don't want to read what Dreher has to say about either Dante or Dreher.
DeleteLopez is such a roundheel. She'll fulminate for the defense of marriage but, when Excitable Andy went through the charade of his "nuptials," she was the first to publicly offer her congratulations and best wishes. Likewise, she poses as a shieldmaiden of the Church, but gushes with excitement when she receives the new galley from her magazine's most prominent anti-Catholic ex-Catholic (apart from maybe Garry Wills).
ReplyDelete-The Man From K Street
I keep trying to say this in as many different ways as possible, but this is the term we use for the pornografication of Christianity and Christian culture: "Rod Dreher".
ReplyDeleteEdgy, lurid, prurient, not by attaching human sexuality to it a la "nun porn" or other perversions, but rather by rendering Christianity into an alternative, competing perverse option, a pornographied Christian culture that gets you hot and bothered about things in its own unique way, a Christian culture turned inside out like a gutted animal as a utility in service of the ego, passions, resentments, and anything else it can be found useful for.
What do you suppose Christ would really think of the hashtag-Miley Cyrus sort of pornographied Christian culture Dreher traffics in?
Delete[NFR: If practicing Christianity doesn't hurt in some way, you're not doing it right.
I understand Dreher's camaraderie with sexual BDSM dom Charles Cosimano a little better. Dreher practices his prurient, self-satisfying domination preaching his pornografication of Christianity instead: the "hurt" is for his blog subs and for Julie Dreher, back home in the swamp, as he eats his way through Lyon, because God is too big to get into his gullet.
By the way, who's this Sordello fellow? (I only rarely tune in to the channel these days) Is this another _nomme de Net_ for a close, masculine friend to stroll dark European city streets together after convivial repasts?
Delete-The Man From K Street
[in my best Stephen Fry/Jeeves voice] I would imagine so, sir....
DeleteSo I wondered what this "Palio" was that Dreher referred to in connection with his trip to Lyon.
DeleteColor me surprised -- it's a horse race. Huh?
Oh, by the way, it just happens to be at the time of his trip to Italy for "a Dante-related reason". What a coincidence.
And so so mysterious. The imagination runs wild.
Hope he told the Mrs. a better story on why he's going than the one he's trying to float in the blog ...
Hope he told the Mrs. a better story on why he's going than the one he's trying to float in the blog ...
DeleteThere's a rather glaringly obvious reason that we nevertheless keep looking right through as to why Mr. & Mrs. Rod Dreher can no longer take extended trips away from St. Francisville together: Dreher's alienated so many of his relatives there that there's no trustworthy babysitting pool remaining who would agree to do it.
Unless, of course, there really is some sort of retro-classical men are for love/women are for reproduction thing going on year in and year out.
Dreher's alienated so many of his relatives there that there's no trustworthy babysitting pool remaining ...
DeleteEven so, just because they both can't go doesn't mean that he can go without her. He's still got to convince the Mrs. that he just has to go to Italy then, and that while he's there he just has to go to Lyon to eat where Anthony Bourdain ate...
Even so, just because they both can't go doesn't mean that he can go without her. He's still got to convince the Mrs. that he just has to go to Italy then, and that while he's there he just has to go to Lyon to eat where Anthony Bourdain ate...
ReplyDeleteSo...Dante is the path to enlightened Bourdain Belly. know, if pigs had blogs, would their interests be that much different than Dreher's? The existential fear of being made into bacon and how to avoid it. Those delicious little acorns - not those, those - and truffles! Leftover scrambled eggs! And nice, warm mud to wiggle a ham into, and without that stinky stuff.
Of course, we must follow the Dante trail to Lyon because - truffles! Oink, oink.