Thursday, October 28, 2021

Just Say Hell No

Or say no to Hell, that is another way to put it. Good riddance to this phony.

“We had this one theme in the seminary called masculine vulnerability,” one former seminarian recalled, “and he was using it spiritually to manipulate people. He was using the ideas of masculine vulnerability, and detachment from the world, and freedom, to lure people into going skinny-dipping. He had people’s trust, and they saw him as a big brother so much that they didn’t think anything of it at first. And then he kept pushing it and pushing it and pushing it. I’m like, this is weird.”

Masculine vulnerability. What a fuck-load of bullshit.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

"Ramblin' Joe Biden"

Thursday, July 29, 2021

We Know The 2020 Election Was Rigged

I originally read this on a Twitter feed a few weeks ago. I think I got the link from Catholic Vote. Expertly read by Mr. Carlson.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Matt Dolan Voted Against Removal of "Duty to Retreat" (Ohio SB 175)

H/T Buckeye Firearms. It looks like good ol' wishy washy Matt Dolan wants to represent Ohio in the U.S Senate. And he is explicitly stating that he will be "championing gun rights".

Dolan kicks off the listening tour Tuesday at a luncheon to be held at Lake County Republican Headquarters. Over the next two weeks, he’ll move on to Trumbull, Mahoning, Cuyahoga, Franklin, Lorain, Lucas, Wood, Ottawa and Ashland counties.

In a statement, Dolan said his agenda would include championing gun rights, school choice, religious freedom and being pro-life.

Well, Matt, champion is a Strong (cough, cough) word. Luckily for Ohioans, there is a simple way to find out if you are serious. Did you or did you not vote for removal of the ridiculous "duty to retreat"? After all, Governor Mike DeWine signed it. Yes, that Governor Mike DeWine, the one with the gun control agenda which he calls "Strong Ohio". If you voted "no" then you are to his left on gun rights and should probably quit posing as a champion.

Oh welp.

Matt Dolan is against gun rights. Matt Dolan is against your right to stand your ground and defend yourself. Matt Dolan does not understand the Second Amendment.

Honestly I would not vote for Dolan anyway since he purports to believe that something really extraordinarily terrible happened on January 6 in our nation's capital, which is nonsense. That is basically a disqualifier in my book. But it is good to point out that he is just a rich(*) poser on gun rights.

I'm supporting Josh Mandel for Ohio Senate; he is obviously the best in my book. But I guess a slap fight between rich boys Bernie Moreno and Matt Dolan would be entertaining.

(*) - His family owns the Cleveland Indians.

Monday, July 12, 2021

American Law Enforcement is on the Brink of Collapse

The weenie roast has been canceled due to the apocalypse.

If I were to design a road map for how to collapse America, starting with law enforcement, here’s what it would look like.

Step one: Divide the protectors.

The refusal to allow rank and file patrol officers to cooperate with federal law enforcement to uphold the law.  It’s a slap in the face to Americans and it’s a dereliction of duty. It’s also a clear and intentional move to create a divide between local, state and federal law enforcement.  Divide the protectors… conquer a society. 

Step two: Divide the supporters.

Force officers to choose between enforcing unconstitutional legislation like Red Flag laws, which deny citizens of their right to due process… and providing for their own family.

Since the beginning of  the coronavirus pandemic last year, we’ve seen draconian emergency orders put in place by power-hungry governors, with police officers being put in the position of having to be COVID cops or face discipline. We’ve seen videos of police officers arresting people at high school football games for not wearing a mask, breaking up groups of Hasidic Jews at a funeral in New York City and shutting down a gym in New Jersey for breaking COVID rules.

Make cops the bad guys.  Take the people who have historically supported law enforcement and convince them that cops are now the enemy.  Divide the supporters… conquer a society.

Step three: Remove their protection

Make cops afraid to be cops.  Encourage disrespect on them like water bucket attacks.  Don’t go after the criminals who attack them.  When officers arrest criminals, let them back out on the street within hours because a liberal judge determined that the violent suspect with a lengthy criminal history isn’t actually a threat. 

In city after city across the country, we have seen George Soros-funded district attorneys such as George Gascon in Los Angeles, Kim Foxx in Chicago, Larry Krasner in Philadelphia and scores of others go light on criminals while going hard after police officers.

Then threaten law enforcement officers that if they do their job, they’ll be investigated.  That if they have to fight for their lives, they’ll end up being charged.  Remove both their desire and their ability to police.

Step four: Flood America  

By some estimates, one million people will make illegal entry into America this year. There are fewer than 850,000 law enforcement officers in America.  Do the math.

Now let criminals create havoc in society but instead of deporting them or actually cracking down on crime, let Americans know that the real problem is guns owned by law abiding citizens and pass legislation to take away their rights.

Step five: Destroy our homes

Own the media.  Own Hollywood.  Force feed Anti-American, socialist and communist policies into our homes and our education system.  Convince our children that right is wrong and wrong is right.  Take God out of society, destroy the family structure and teach everyone that the solution to your problems is in the form of pills, porn and the government.

Step six: Destroy our schools

Keep children out of school for over a year for in-person learning. Feed kids anti-American propaganda such as the 1619 Project which teaches America was founded on racist principles by a bunch of white racist men. Erase history and replace it with critical race theory, which teaches white children to hate themselves and believe they have special privilege because of their race. Go completely against Dr. Martin Luther King’s edict that skin color is more important than the content of one’s character.

Step seven: Destroy our military and intelligence agencies

Turn our military and intelligence agencies into indoctrination mills where sexual preference or sexual identity is considered to be of primary importance while the more important mission of looking at what those who seek to destroy us are doing and making sure that the primary focus of the military is on killing people and breaking things, now the sexual identity of a soldier’s parents.

Step eight: Bypass Congress for gun control 

Have “private businesses” like Dicks and Walmart determine what you can and can’t buy. Let the White House determine by executive order what is and what is not an “assault rifle.”

Step nine: Lose control of the truth to tech tyrants and mainstream media

Allow Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google, YouTube, LinkedIn, TikTok, and Snapchat determine what you can see and what you can say… because it’s not a violation of the Constitution if it’s done by private enterprise. Allow social media to have unfettered ability to censor content that they do not politically agree with or people who have an opinion that goes against the politically desirable narrative.

Step ten: Use “social justice” to vilify love of country 

Take every patriotic American who wants to see a better country for their children and call them a racist, etc. if you don’t agree with them.  Then mass report them on social media to make sure their accounts are cancelled, and their voices are shut down. 

Then say you think they’re a threat and have a judge determine that combat veterans and our nation’s greatest warriors need to be disarmed because of post-traumatic stress.  Then force officers to go to war with their own brothers and sisters. Take people who had legitimate concerns about last November’s election and who raised serious questions about events which made no sense and put them in the category of conspiracy theorists or worse yet, insurrectionists hell-bent on the destruction of the American way of life, which is absurd.

The Collapse

It’s happening right in front of our eyes. 

Keep reading the piece at Law Enforcement Today to learn what you can do to help fight back to prevent the collapse.

Google and SPLC are both untrustworthy

Went to RCP five minutes ago, and it was a tossup which to read first: Google Scrubs Report on SPLC Link to Shooter From Search or Why Big Tech Will Lose the Censorship Wars. But since I am in a pessimistic mood today, I picked the first.

I could call this blog post "Why I use Duck-Duck-Go". Or maybe "Why you should use Duck-Duck-Go".

Excerpt from the piece:

Breitbart News has experienced similar censorship from Google, with the exact wording of Breitbart headlines failing to generate results on the first page of Google. Instead, the searches bring up results for websites that plagiarize the headlines and content of original Breitbart News stories.

In a comment to Breitbart News, Cernovich said he believed the SPLC went to Google to remove negative information about themselves.

“I wrote a truthful report, which relied on publicly available court records, about the SPLC’s connection to a mass shooter. Rather than demand a retraction, which they know they could not obtain, the SPLC clearly ran to Google to have them remove my report. Google is censoring truthful information at the behest of left wing organizations.”

Cernovich noted that the SPLC is a discredited organization, having been forced into a multi-million dollar settlement with the secularist campaigner Maajid Nawaz after it added the moderate Muslim to a list of “anti-Muslim extremists.”

Just to make sure you understand this, companies and organizations optimize keywords to bring up search results. So if I work in IT for Dick's Sporting Goods then I want the search phrase "camping gear" to bring up my company's site near the top. But I am not worrying about what happens if the user types the exact phrase Dick's Sporting Goods in because it will be the top hit naturally. In fact, I just keyed in "Rick's Sporting Goods" for fun and it brought up the DSG page.

So this is an instance where Google must have "hardcoded" a censoring block on this aricle even if you type in the exact title into the search bar How a Convicted Terrorist used the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Website to Identify Targets. I am calling this "hardcoding" for a reason. Allegedly only the top programmers work for Google and hardcoding, placing data inside programs, is a terrible practice. "Data belongs in a database!" Ohhhh... so there is a internal database table dedicated to blocking these sorts of things. Got it. Thank you for your cooperation.

Regardless how they are crippling their algorithm to suppress, or even hide, the search results which are inconvenient to their ideology, there is absolutely no way to claim this is not happening. Soon there will be a counter database out there with links to everything whose rank Google is adjusting deliberately. Of course this is not a new revelation, but someone with more smarts and resources than me might find out how to automate the population of such a database. Then we will see a true, high-tech counter weight to Big Search.

Oh, and check this out guys. I just Googled the title "Google Scrubs Mike Cernovich Report on SPLC Link to Mass Shooter from Search Results". Here is what can up:

If this topic is new, it can sometimes take time for results to be added by reliable sources. We are here treated to Google's disclaimer and suggestion that results from the search Google Scrubs Mike Cernovich Report on SPLC Link to Mass Shooter from Search Results are not reliable.

Hey, Google, this topic is not new, for your information. However this particular story is still developing.

Monday, June 28, 2021

Only two damn days left

Here is an article which rings just as true with me as it did two years ago when it was written.

Anyone else sick of the Pride flag? It’s everywhere. It flutters from virtually every building in central London. Town halls across the country are emblazoned with it. Every bank, corporation, supermarket and celebrity Twitter account has had a rainbow makeover. There are Pride-themed sandwiches, beer bottles, cakes. Jon Snow has even worn Pride-coloured socks. You could be forgiven for thinking we’ve been conquered by a foreign army that has proceeded to stick its flag in every nook, cranny and orifice of the nation.

Of course in retrospect, the author Brendan O'Neill was because a little bit optimistic when he wrote this:

[T]he reason it’s a whole month is because we are at the fiftieth anniversary of the New York Stonewall Riots of 1969, when gays, lesbians, drag queens and others fought back against cops who kept barging into gay bars and harassing the clientele.

Hate to tell you, but it will be a month forever now. And do you really want to be the person who says "Hey, it's July 1. Time to take down the rainbow flag," to your boss at work?

It’s no longer enough to leave homosexuals alone to live however they choose and to inflict on them no persecution or discrimination or any ill-will whatsoever on the basis of their sexuality, which is absolutely the right thing for a civilised liberal society to do. No, now you have to validate their identity and cheer their life choices. You must doff your cap to that omnipresent bloody rainbow. Today it isn’t homosexuals who are persecuted; it’s their critics, whether it’s Ann Widdecombe or Tim Farron, with their well-known aversion to gay romping, or those Muslim parents in Birmingham who don’t think six-year-old Muhammad needs to know that some men sleep with men.


But there are many reasons why it might be a good idea to dissent from the orgy of Pride conformism and to refuse to bow and scrape before the rainbow flag. That flag sums up everything that is wrong with our era. Its message is that you should be proud of yourself simply for what you are — for having been ‘born this way’, as Lady Gaga puts it — rather than for what you have achieved.

As a symbol, it’s a celebration of the self, of an accident of birth, of something as mundane as who one sleeps with. It’s an invitation to narcissism and, as such, it further corrodes the social solidarity and sense of community so many of us long for today. Pride, the institution, is anti-social.

Well, yeah. These are strong words from a guy who earlier states "The Stonewall uprising was a very positive movement. It gave rise to struggles for gay liberation and equality. The gains made by gay-rights warriors over the past five decades have been amazing and important." He is far more accepting of homosexuality than someone like me, and I think we should realize that there are plenty of people out there who feel the same way who are not part of the so-called "religious right".

You look at these new race-baiters and nuts in BLM and it is easy to see why they are continuing to claim that they are oppressed, even while purchasing huge mansions. I mean, it is totally working for the gays. They are no longer persecuted at all, yet straight people are behaving like they are, and are trampling over each other to raise actual flags to celebrate their lifestyle. It is a triumph of marketing over facts.

So happy there are only two damn days left in "Pride Month".

Monday, June 14, 2021

A: Because he is a Democrat.

Gianno Caldwell asks a sensible question. "Why isn’t Hunter Biden being condemned for unacceptable use of the N-word?" Well, I condemn him, and you condemn him, and Caldwell obviously condemns him, and many others doubtlessly do. What he means is why is he not being vociferously condemned by the entire mainstream media establishment with the accompanying outrage that, you know, never seems feigned at all when they do it to Republicans?

As an African American, I don’t just take issue with this; I am repulsed by it. Why? Racism knows no party. Indeed, both parties are guilty of racism. But I must admit, when Republicans encounter someone who has said or done something racist, that person is usually punished and often expelled from the party — or, at the very least, there’s an attempt to strip them of power.

This has happened many times. Former Rep. Steve King, for example, was stripped of his committee assignments by House Republican leadership in Congress after it was reported that King said in an interview, “White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive?”

I am glad that many people like Caldwell who are graced with common sense are also graced with fortitude. Because otherwise people calling out hypocrisy would have given up pointing out this double standard long ago, faster than you can say "Corp Pop was a bad dude."

Hunter Biden can use the N-word all he wants and never have to pay for it, whereas someone like Donald Trump who, according to the many who hate him, probably kicks puppies and probably drinks human blood, only has to probably have said it to be condemned for it without any evidence.

During his presidency, the media endlessly reported rumors that Donald Trump used the N-word while filming his hit TV show “The Apprentice” even though no proof of these comments existed. Meanwhile, the text messages from Hunter Biden are clear as day and have received little to no press coverage — media malpractice at its height.

Yes, it is malpractice, Mr. Caldwell, but it is also standard practice with the media. They are not interested in accuracy in reporting. They switch from outrage and histrionic demands for apologies to "see no evil, hear no evil" depending on which will further their agenda. Right now Hunter Biden is a sacred cow who could probably survive anything short of a child snuff flick surfacing involving him. The guy may as well have a "Blackmail me" sign taped to his back.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Dan Bongino: An Absolute Winner

I am elated to be listening to the entire inaugural episode of the Dan Bongino show. If you don't know how to get it, you can check it out here:

790 KABC

I have been listening to Dan Bongino's Podcast for over six months. I can honestly say that it kept me sane in the aftermath of the disasterous events of 2020. I am mainly referring to the Chinese virus, the overreaction in the form of state lockdowns and the questionable Presidential Election result.

When I found out he was getting the Rush Limbaugh spot on Westwood One, I was elated. There is probably very little daylight between Bongino's and Limbaugh's politics. But Bongino is a serious Catholic, a former Secret Service agent and a family man with kids. So the people like me can both respect him and relate to him in a way we couldn't with Rush, as much as we loved the guy. He also looks and sounds like he could kill people with his bare hands, which appeals to Huns like me.

Bongino has been very humble about this, so let me say that he won this spot. He won it hands down, he won it easily, in my book, and he won it like a winner who could win anything because of how hard he works. He won it by calling a spade a spade; i.e., calling media liberals stupid, liars and insane people. Because those are words which describe what they have become in recent times. Bongino is a winner because he never lets up until he wins.

And that is one of the reasons why I restarted this blog, despite the fact that a lot of people have likely forgotten who I am. If they ever knew in the first place. Dan Bongino has inspired me to not give up. And as if he were personally attempting to ingratiate himself with me, he began and ended his first show by using the Fable of The Emporer's New Clothes as an illustation of media malfeasance. Anyone who has read this blog in the past knows that this is one of our favorite illustrations ever, and its applicability is only amplified in a world where media elites are desperately attempting to cling to some semblance of credibility amid countless alternative news sources.

Bongino does not pull any punches at all, when he is punching. But of course if he was punching all the time then his show would be about as listenable to people like me as the Michael Savage show. But most of the time he is doing what Limbaugh, Levin and Hannity did and do on their shows, which is to inform and enlighten his audience in an entertaining manner. That is what I used to do, and when I quit years ago, it was like giving up without even realizing it.

You may have noticed that, of late, I am trying to rev up this old blog. Definitely people like Bongino have been my inspiration for this, and another factor has been my massive retreat from Social Media to which I blame a lot of problems in my life. They were small and mid-size problems, not big ones like job loss or divorce, but they were many and ended up wasting my time and energy.

I am contemplating a podcast, but I am taking things a step at a time. Please feel free to give me unsolicited advice on this.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

This happened

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Why are Bill and Melinda Gates getting divorced?

Some people think that the close quarters caused by the COVID lockdowns are responsible for the demise of Bill and Melinda Gates's marriage. Others point out that if you spell divorce backwards, you can see the letters COVID pretty clearly. And Bill Gates has defintely had an unhealthy obsession with COVID, and no, this is not only a rightwing conspiracy.

But I believe that it is a different obsession which caused his wife to leave him. It is his obsession with human feces. Everywhere Gates goes he carries a jar of poop with him. And in November of 2018, he gave a well publicized talk with his pet poop right there next to him in a glass jar, speculating about what sort of diseases might be residing within the mineral-rich substance.

"This small amount of feces," Gates said, brandishing the jar of excrement, "could contain as many as 200 trillion rotavirus cells, 20 billion shigella bacteria and 100,000 parasitic worm eggs."

The audience had to appreciate that vivid description. And they were so grateful to be able to view Bill's actual stool sample. Visualizing human dung, as if it were something a person saw every day or two, can be a challenge. Good thing he was "brandishing" it, as NPR noted.

A prized sample from the Gates Foundation's ever-growing collection of human excrement.

People, this is not a molded foam poop emoji that someone like me might or might not have in their top desk drawer to relieve stress by squeezing. This is not even a picture of "Poop from Heaven" which one of my kids might or might not have drawn when he was six-and-a-half.

This is actual poop and it is inside a jar and you can see it. Not like the shoebox which I had in the garage because I was too lazy to come in the house and that my wife found later and didn't want to talk to me for a few days afterward.

By the way, speaking of wives in general. Women do not understand men's obsession with human dung and the production thereof. That is why I have to figure that Melinda finally cracked. Allegedly, she is some type of Catholic, and so when Pope Francis used the word coprophilia it must have struck home.

This theory could all be wrong. It might be that Melinda could no longer hide the fact that she prefers iPhones to the Microsoft POS phone that Bill got for her last Christmas, and this is a huge problem for him. But I still think it is more likely that Bill's obsession with literal Pieces Of Sh*t is a bigger problem for her. However maybe the two go together; this is the guy who got rich selling this stuff.

Monday, May 3, 2021

There is a war on Black America

There is a war going on against blacks in America. And it is almost entirely being waged by Democrats. Excerpt:

While Democrats try to cover their racist past, including that of their poster boy Joe Biden, Democrats this week were more exposed than Bill Clinton in the Oval Office.

Sen. Tim Scott, an astute black United States Senator from the former slave state of South Carolina was elected to the United States Senate in 2016, garnering 61 percent of the vote.

In fact, according to Breitbart Scott “earned more raw votes and won by a wider margin than Donald Trump.” In other words, Scott is extremely popular in his state. He is also considered by some to be a rising star in the Republican Party.

And for that, Scott is a scourge to Democrats, who expect all minorities—primarily blacks and Hispanics—to support and identify as Democrats.

This past Wednesday, Scott was tapped by the GOP to give the response to Biden’s Congressional (don’t call it a State of the Union) address. Now one might say that Scott was chosen specifically due to his race, which is exactly the trap Democrats fell into.

Never mind the fact that Scott is a bright, articulate voice of conservative ideals. Democrats did exactly what they accuse Republicans of doing…played the race card.

Read the whole thing. John Nolte is right when he pointed out that Senotor Scott "smoked out" the racists in the Democrat Party and elsewhere. By elsewhere, I am particularly thinking of Fred Wellman of the pedophile-infested Lincoln Project, the newest refuge of Republican wokeism, who merely engaged in the standard imperious assertions, proclaiming the speech utter bulls--- and a pathetic joke. Meaning they have no argument.

In my opinion, the Stupidity Award goes to David Leavitt who parrots the line about George Floyd being killed because of racism, a claim that Minnesota AG Keith Ellison recently debunked.

Here's to the courage and bravery of people like Senator Tim Scott to speak truth to power.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

It is legal to make your own gun

If you can legally own a gun in the United States, then you can legally make your own gun in the United States. Excerpt:

It is 100 percent legal for a private citizen who is not barred from owning or possessing a firearm to manufacture a firearm, creating a ghost gun, as long as the resultant firearm does not violate any state or federal laws. This means that as long as you are manufacturing a firearm that would be normally sold over the counter where you live with a standard 4473, and as long as it is legal for you to walk into a store and purchase such a firearm, you are not breaking the law. This has always been the case, and as long as you are not then selling those firearms, you are in the clear. (If you’re looking to manufacture anything more exotic than a regular old pistol, rifle or shotgun, you’d better have your federal NFA paperwork in order and your NFA taxes paid. If not, you’ll end up committing one of the only types of gun-related crime the feds DO, in fact, seem very interested in prosecuting...

Like it says, "ghost gun" is just one more imprecise, scary word used for political purposes. We should not use it unless we clarify what we mean by it. It is not an illegal gun, just a gun made by a private individual and as such, it will not have a serial number on it. Serial numbers provide some degree of traceability and thus makes it much easier for the geovernment to regulate serilaized guns.

If I was going to sell a gun which I made myself, I would just sell it in two parts to someone on different days. Then I would tell the person that if they are asked where they got the gun that they should answer that the bought the parts separtely and assembled it themselves. This is still 100% legal. If the buyer said "Pauli sold me the gun," and then I was questioned I would state that I sold parts and not a fully operational gun. That is just what I would do.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

The Trumps: "We are not done". They're right

Donald Trump and his son rightly characterize what is going on now as a movement "against the elites". And that is why I've been in ever since, oh, around October of 2016 when I decided to take Trump's advice of "what have you got to lose?" and vote for him. Excerpt:

The former president’s son moved on to speak about how fact checkers on social media appear to be biased against conservatives while lenient toward “the other side.” Drawing from his personal experience, he said that his content is fact checked “even if there’s even a little bit” of irregularity.

“When I look at things that I put up on my social media that are totally objective or that are satire, one or the other, that [social media content] gets fact checked so that they can use that to knock my platform, to prevent me from getting any kind of reach,” he said. “I see that stuff on a daily basis, I don’t see that on the other side. I don’t see Joe Biden getting fact checked when he said he’s not going to ban fracking, when he bans fracking.”

He added, “If there’s even a little bit of ambiguity they get the benefit of the doubt, whereas if there’s even a little bit, a modicum, something like I said, subjective, who’s to know what the fact checker’s thinking, but certainly I know what I’m thinking and I can come up with a parameter that makes everything correct but the fact checkers can say that it falls outside of those lines.

“Joe Biden, not one tweet—as many incorrect ones that they’ve put out—has been fact checked. It’s truly sick,” Trump Jr. expressed.

Yep. We're sick of it.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Summary of Gamestonk

Here the best I've found. (Source.)

Hedge funds have been shorting GameStop for years slowing driving the price down. Shorting is selling stock you don't own so you can buy it back later for a lower price. Some people on reddit noticed that the stock was undervalued, and heavily shorted. Heavily as in people sold 140% of the all the stock that exists. They bought, and convinced others to buy. Now we hedge funds are in a squeeze. They shorted at $30, and the stock is now at $350. Further problem is that since they shorted more stock than actually exists, they cannot buy stock at a loss now to cut their losses. Also, if they buy stock to cut losses, then the hedge funds drive the price up even more. That means they owe billions on paper, and it just keeps getting worse. Normally, you ride something like this out, but when you owe more than you have in assets, margins get called. This means the hedge funds are required to buy back the stocks they sold at massive losses.

Now hedge funds are pulling out all the stops. Fake financial reports to scare people into selling. Media is doing the same. Bots are spamming the wallstreetbets subreddit and discord with hate speech which then gets reported. The discord got shut down and the subreddit went dark for a bit to deal with it. Markets are being manipulated with short sells to make it look like a selloff is starting and trading halts to slow the stock gains. All the redditors have to do right now is buy when they can and hold, and they stand to bankrupt billionaires. A lot of them are doing this on principle, and there is blood in the water.

If the hedge funds can ride out the squeeze, they win when price drops back to what it is really worth. If wallstreetbets can keep driving the price up and forcing margin calls, they will suck billions from the hedge funds.

Disclaimer, I have no stock, but find the situation funny as hell.

Edit: As of this morning, several brokers have suspended all buying of GameStop.

I concur; it is funny. But not because it "hurts" anyone. Just because the tables got turned on some big bois. Generally short sellers are seen as being clever—like that guy who wins the office football pool by betting against the home team. Well now some other people are feeling big and clever for the moment.