Saturday, October 13, 2012

Nuns in the tank

I get emails from Progress Ohio, a far left PAC who somehow has my email address. It's good to read these emails both for the inadvertent humor content and also to see what the enemies of truth, justice and sensibility are up to.

The other day they sent me an email promoting a very silly group called Nuns on the Bus which is currently touring Ohio. They put up a blog post about it too. They are condemning "immoral budgets" and promoting a "faithful budget" which, when translated, means more government spending of taxpayer money on everything.

I think that Luke 11:46 might apply here. " load men with burdens hard to bear, and you yourselves do not touch the burdens with one of your fingers."

Here's the picture and text from the email.

Join Catholic Sisters in calling on our leaders to protect people who are struggling and calling on all Ohioans to vote our values.

Sisters from across Ohio are traveling 1,000 miles to lift up people who would be harmed by immoral budget cuts and the need for a faithful budget that affirms the life of all God's children.

As they hold up the core values of solidarity, justice and the common good, they will remind us "We are in this together - in Ohio."

Here is a short summary of why this is so pathetic. A non-smiling elderly nun dressed in a habit can cut an imposing figure if she speaks calmly and with authority. But senior citizen nuns wearing street clothes and angrily spitting out liberal, big government talking points has engaged in the kind of self-diminishment that has got to but a smile on the devil's face.

If you mention the fact that abortion is legal in our country to these sisters they will immediately show signs of anger. Not anger that abortion entails the ripping apart of an innocent baby, but anger that you brought the subject up and reminded them that they are in the tank for the political party which has a vested interest in keeping abortion legal. They are far more offended by the "Ryan budget"—a proposal to cut wasteful government spending—than they are by abortion, and I can only conclude from this that they care more about money than human beings.


  1. Man, these graying feminunzis are soooo uggggggleeeeeee. And you are right, they'd look so much better in veils and habits. But that would be too feminine and smack of submission to patriarchy or something. UGH!
