Friday, December 12, 2014

I just donated $18,000 to The American Conservative

And it was matched by a donor even wealthier than me.

Or maybe I didn't. How would I know? They certainly won't open their books for me. Maybe I intended to, but actually only misplaced that $18,000 instead. And was it really matched? Beats me.

Whatever. Like most of our Working Boy's writing there, the important thing is the narrative of someone like me giving to support what commenter Aaron Gross triumphantly reminds us

“The American Conservative: We Are The Alt-Right Base”

and that narrative of the giving of mine immediately turning into bread cast upon the waters because of the generosity of narratively saying two additional anonymous wealthy donors would match it.

For those like you who may be "skeptical of the market and of Wall Street" as Rod puts it, this sort of narrative matching is the very best thing short of the certainty of government wage and price controls.

Forget nay-sayers like allenkopf, who cavil "The market and Wall Street are two very different things often opposing each other" - that's the whole problem in a nutshell, isn't it? Two nihilistic systems in opposition to each other, both going up and down, driven by nothing but the sheer caprice of the average uninformed American, not systematically supported by the thoughtfully credulous average American with money to spend like you.

Compare that sort of quibbling with my narratives and those I support at The American Conservative with my generous narrative donations, narratives which can always be counted on to faithfully follow the prevailing media wind, as we have just seen there in those addressing the shooting of Michael Brown, the arrest of Eric Garner, the UVA-"Jackie" horror, and now the Democratic Senate torture report.

In fact, if you give now, directly to me, your generous contribution will be multiplied, not two, but three ways: first, I'll receive it; second, I'll donate it to TAC - honest; and then, third, it will be matched in kind by unknown wealthy donors up to a maximum of $20,000.

I don't need to point out to someone with an advanced degree like you that donating the maximum $20,000 to me directly will wring the most result out of this compound triple multiplier effect I just described.

Donate to me now, and generously, and defend the Alt-Right Base from all of her enemies, internal and external, domestic and foreign.

And as a token of my respect for the generous person who donates the most, I'll let you, yes, you, decide what "Alt-Right" and "Alt-Conservatism" is supposed to mean in ordinary everyday English for all of taxable year 2015 to come.

Thank you for your generous support of my support and generosity , and may God bless you.


  1. Donating to The Nation Magazine would be as useful. Jonathan Carpenter

    1. Jonathan, Pepe Fanjul's gardener explains just how crucial your triple hand off contribution through me really is right now:

      Between the fretting over “Islamophobia,” the cop-bashing, the incessant bemoaning of the dreaded military industrial complex, and the barely concealed and downright Andrew Sullivan-like Obama adoration, I fail to see how this magazine can in any way be considered “conservative” or “rightist.” You, Rod, are the only writer here who could be described as being vaguely conservative and even then only on certain social issues. Any other columnist here could easily slide into the lineup of the Nation or Mother Jones or some other (turgid) leftist periodical.

      Perhaps TAC would be better off in the fundraising department with a name change more reflective of its true nature, such as “The American Chomskyite.”

  2. And of course you can always look forward to the surprise of naughty TAC femdom BDSM images like this (SFW-NSFSC*).

    *Safe for work, not safe for social conservatism

  3. Vladimir Putin is one of the matching donors ...

    1. No doubt he counts on Dreher for the Maxim pics.

      Glaivester says:
      December 12, 2014 at 11:40 pm

      Seriously, Rod, I’m starting to get worried about how you find the images for your posts.

      [NFR: Shutterstock. -- RD]

      EngineerScotty says:
      December 12, 2014 at 11:56 pm

      Where’d you find that photo, Rod?

      I imagine Shutterstock or similar, though I had the same question. The submissive though looks like she’s having a good time.

      First horse-humping, then boardroom S & M. This blog is turning into a regular Penthouse Forum :)

      panda says:
      December 13, 2014 at 11:16 am

      What I really would like to know what search term Rod entered to get that photo, and what his search engine thinks of him now…

      Hector_St_Clare says:
      December 13, 2014 at 11:28 am

      I imagine Shutterstock or similar, though I had the same question. The submissive though looks like she’s having a good time.

      The dominatrix is pretty hot, too.

      . . .

      That's why I love this guy. Dreher is the hedonistic, oyster-slurping, de Sadean Stephen Colbert of Christian social conservatism. On the bright side, his sorry example helps keep the rest of us on the right track.

    2. I think the Unz Review gets most of his largesse.

  4. We favor foreign-policy realism, and non-interventionism, from a conservative perspective. We are skeptical of the market and of Wall Street — again, from the Right.

    And toward that end, we'll give you an unending series of screw-the-Jews articles penned by Philip Giraldi.
