That's the date set for the Motu Proprio "in which Pope Benedict XVI liberalizes access to the traditional Latin Mass" as the article says. That liberal!
The comments beneath the article are really good; they're funny. Someone notes that seven seems to be a very sacred number. Another says he "fears there will have to be an element of compulsion in this decree." Umm, yeah, that's probably true.
I agree mostly with commenter "Catholicity" who notes that while a Trid Mass can be celebrated sloppily, the sloppiness "is confined to the unyieldingly specific rubrics." I've always said this is what I like about the Latin Mass, it's like a "hedge" that keeps everyone from noticing the little things, e.g., the priest's personality, and helps us concentrate on the big things, e.g., maybe the Presence of Jesus Christ, hello?
Of course, a solemnly celebrated Novus Ordo with the priest facing ad orientem and serious hymns of adoration, incense, beautiful vestments and the like might be the ideal. But, honestly.... what is the over/under on that happening at this point?
Pauli, have you seen this site? It's a hoot!
The comments are delicious.
My favorite post:
:) :)
And this one is like unto it, only opposite:
Oh my gosh. There are some clever, funny Kat-o-Licks out there. :D
I just get this funny feeling that even with the liberalization of the Latin Mass, some priest or bishop in this country is going to let this happen in the proverbial Spirit O'Vatican II.