Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Can Herman Cain Beat Obama?

Rasmussen says yes, 43-41. Excerpt:

Interestingly, all of the income demos give narrow splits. Obama wins the under-$20K by only six points despite his recent class-warfare schtick, 39/45. Cain wins every other income demo by six or fewer points, including a narrow 46/44 in the $100K+ demo. Just as curiously, Obama only beats Cain among union households by a seven-point plurality (44/37), while Cain wins non-union households by an even narrower margin of 44/41. Obama beats Cain among those who reject Tea Party affiliation, but only by fifteen points, 34/49. Those who embrace the Tea Party support Cain head to head by 86/7, not surprisingly, while those who are not sure support Cain by 21 points, 48/27.

I say sounds good, just dump this 9-9-9 crap and you got my vote, Mr. Cain.

Monday, October 17, 2011

"If you don't have a tent, it's sort of pointless...."

OK, this is Satellite Howard Stern, so I don't to even say "not safe for work", etc. But it is sooooooo funny.

Saw it on Hot Air. There is another produced video on that page which is based on footage from Occupy Oakland which is really scary in the way it showcases the Marxism inherent in the movement. No one is going to be able to hush the radicals up. They are the mainstay of the movement.