This is why a lot of people think that Mark Shea needs to calm down a great deal and empty a few cans of Raid into the ol' bonnet.
At the March for Life in DC last week, our group (mostly young teens) came across a marcher holding aloft a Crucifix with a big sign: "Latin Mass = Truth; New Mass = Abortion". As I respectfully disagreed with him, he brought up receiving the Eucharist by hand, as if that somehow that had to do with saving unborn children.
See, this is what I'm talking about when I note the widespread inability of Traditionalists to function outside of the bunker. Traditionalists are going to have to figure out how to be fully Catholic or they are going to disappear, because true Catholic faith evangelizes and, like it or not, this is not evangelizing: this is shouting "Repel boarders" and then pouring boiling oil on the your own archers.
Well, I've encountered just about the same kind of nonsense from the ultra-traditionalists on several occasions. But I guess it hasn't made me so embarrassed to be a Catholic that I've tried to write all traditionalists out of the Faith by calling them a "doomed faction", based on the misplaced fervor of one or two straw-men.
Also, why isn't this person "fully Catholic"? In my experience with these people I've learned that they just usually aren't that bright. But that's never made me feel like intellectually bullying them.
On that note, I'll stop and let commenters react to his ending quote regarding the Fruits of the Spirit.