Summorum Pontificam Networking Database
If you are interested in networking with other like-minded individuals who want to take advantage of the new Latin Mass rules, go here and enter yourself into the database.
Hat tip Universal Indult Blog.
If you are interested in networking with other like-minded individuals who want to take advantage of the new Latin Mass rules, go here and enter yourself into the database.
Hat tip Universal Indult Blog.
Another Conchords song. These guys are cracking me up. I might have to break down and get cable. I love the passerbys mouthing the lyrics and the dude counting pennies at the 7-11.
July 11, 2007 -- SAN DIEGO MINUTEMEN DRAW BIGOTED SUPPORT -- The decision of a suburban San Diego Catholic Church, St. Peter’s in Fallbrook, to welcome day laborers has unleashed an anti-Catholic response on the part of the San Diego Minutemen (an independent Minuteman group). We have asked for all parties to the dispute to exercise civility. Unfortunately, some of our critics are now unleashing their own hate-filled screeds. Herewith is a sample of the invective that has reached our office:
- "I'd be putting a mine field on the border—warn them of course and then do it."
- "You compound your embarrassing blindness by attacking the messengers of these facts with petty name calling, and even go so far as to call for a 'Catholic Jihad' against those who are concerned about the impact that these very real issues will have...."
- "I don’t understand how the Catholic League can support a church that is harboring felons."
- "I am also very angry that you're issuing your news releases in Spanish! Why does the Catholic League need to explain itself to these people!"
- "South America and Mexico are pushing on my country and as an American citizen... It is against the law for churches to help day labor services because of the separation of church and state."
- "By this sweeping and arrogant elitist attack on the people who oppose the illegal invasion of our country from the south, you are putting yourself in the same league with the overwhelming leftist, gay-friendly, California Amchurch hierarchy which hopes to replenish its dwindling flocks with illegal Mexicans."
- "I also wanted to register my total shock and annoyance at your first-time ever, as far as I'm aware, use of Spanish as if it were incumbent on Catholics to explain to Mexicans in America in their language various situations as opposed to them learning, understanding and speaking English."
Catholic League president Bill Donohue commented as follows:
"Fair criticism of the Catholic Church’s position on any public policy issue is welcomed. This kind of nativism is not."
Rev. Edward "Bud" Kaicher, the church's pastor, said the Minutemen should protest the federal government, not the church. He said that offering the workers a safe place to gather is part of the church's mission, and he plans to continue do to so.
Hat tip to Kathleen. These guys are really funny, they've got a show on HBO, you can check it out online. Uhhhh.... not for kids, obviously.
Jonathan comments to the last post:
I do not think writing for the National Review is what it used to be anymore. Sure, Dreher wrote for the Review but so did Gary Wills. He came up with concept of "Mater Si! Magistra No!" Look also what he had to do to get on the News Hours. He has checked his values at the door. Tell me the last article he wrote supporting Pro-Life views or for diversity in the media? Never! However, because he is against the war and tells enough Bush bashing jokes he gets included in with the other elites. Quite an example if you ask me.
Also can someone tell me of a Conservative Catholic who gets the status of Dreher, Kuo Their isn't any. It has all the diversity of the Pravda.
Jonathan, A liberal friend once said to me "Why do gay people want the Catholic Church to accept them? They should just go off and do their own thing. It is so much easier."
Well she was right. They should do their own thing, and start their own institutions rather than anger the people who dominate the institution they are trying to corrupt.
We should do the same thing here. We should have our own institutions including the media. Pauli posted on a man who is buying a radio station in San Fran. Are we all supporting him? Do we all support EWTN?
I get some of my news here at Est Quod Est. Why do we even care about diversity and liberal hypocrisy? We should apply ourselves to making the institutions we have successful.
Posted by
7/13/2007 08:59:00 PM
Labels: imho, inside baseball, kitchen sink, politics, poor journalism, Rod Dreher
In November of last year, Mark Shea commented on blogger David Kuo ("Very Encouraging Editorial") saying that he "seems like the real deal" as a Christian who is "starting to look at putting discipleship to Jesus, rather than power, first." Mark ends by saying he's "going to keep an eye on this Kuo guy".
Well, I know Mark is busy, blogging, working on books, films, etc. So I'm taking up some of the slack in terms of keeping an eye on the "Kuo guy". A month or so ago he wrote the following on his blog:
Yesterday ubermodel Giselle Bundchen spoke out against the Catholic church's condom ban during Rio's Fashion Week. That isn't terribly surprising. I'm with her and we both may be with an increasing number of people inside the Vatican who are questioning the policy - possibly even the Pope. I find it horrifying that condoms that can save lives throughout the world are spiritually banned. [italics mine]
At a time when the Christian church faces extraordinary opportunity and extraordinary peril, it appears the pope has decided to fiddle in matters of minutia.
Why is it necessary to slap protestant denominations across the face? Why is it necessary to belittle their churches and their history and their love for Christ?
This feels like the equivalent of President Bush commuting v. pardoning Scooter Libby....
File under "heh".
Hey, I'm all for Democrats shooting bad guys in their private lives even if they have to oppose deadly force in their public life to be politically correct. Hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue, and justice is a virtue, last time I checked. Justice is what the man was dealing out here.
Plus the robber threw a pocket knife at him? What a moron, he deserved to get shot.
Sisyphus on some of the lesser known of the 300 Congressional Investigations which the Democrats have opened in the last 100 days. For the math-challenged, that's 3 per day. No wonder their approval rating is lower than Bush's.
My favorite was number 9 until I read number 5: "Has George W. Bush been injecting politics into politics?"
BTW, President Bush made a visit to Parma today, can you believe that? I'm speechless.... I've never been to Slyman's deli, I must confess. I'm sure it's primo. The downtown place is reputedly the place to get your corned-beef for St. Pat's
Posted by
7/10/2007 03:01:00 PM
Labels: funny but serious, humor, politics, stupidity, whatever