Mary's Advocates doing great work for Catholic Marriage
I was gratified to see an article about one of my favorite advocacy groups out there in The National Catholic Register. Mary's Advocates is a group which basically seeks to protect families from the no-fault divorce industry. Unfortunately the industry has affected the way the Catholic Church deals with people wishing to get annulments whose spouses want to preserve their marriage. The group was started by Bai Macfarlane whose husband basically ditched her and strong-armed her legally to get custody of their children. Here's an excerpt from the article:
In a way, her decade-old ministry anticipated the call issued by the recent Synod on the Family to show “appreciation and support” for the “witness of those who, even in difficult conditions, do not undertake a new union, remaining faithful to the sacramental link.” (See Paragraph 83 in the final report.)
Mary’s Advocates fills a gap in marriage counseling, according to George Robinson, one of its volunteers. On one end of the spectrum are counseling, spiritual retreats and programs for marriages in which both parties want it to work. On the other end are marriages in which both parties don’t want the marriage to be saved. But what about those in the middle — marriages in which one spouse is committed to the marriage but the other wants to move on?
That’s where Mary’s Advocates comes in.
Robinson should know: He has been there before. “It’s so hard to find somebody else who has the same view: being ‘My spouse left me, but I’m still married,’” Robinson explained.
For faithfully separated spouses like Robinson, monthly conference calls run by Mary’s Advocates have become a true godsend. “It’s a time to be able to speak to people who get it, and that’s very special to us,” Robinson said.
The calls usually feature prayer and discussion of a chapter of The Gift of Self: A Spiritual Companion for Separated and Divorced Faithful to the Sacrament of Marriage; it is followed by informal conversation, according to Robinson, who organizes the meetings. The conversation continues through an ongoing Yahoo discussion group.
I just donated $100.00 to this group because I really believe in what Bai is doing. Click here to donate to Mary's Advocates.
She has a Facebook page also.