The Catholic League publishes this breathtaking list of attacks on Christianity over the years, attacks which somehow always come during Lent. I'm disappointed each year that the "Was Jesus a Space Alien?" question does not get more national attention. Well, no actually I'm not. But here's my favorite, from last year:
When Baigent was recently asked where he got the proof that Jesus was alive in A.D. 45, he said he got it from reports about a book he cannot find (we're not making this up!). When asked how he knows the tomb was empty because Jesus needed some R&R, he said, "Unfortunately, in this case, there are no facts." Put differently, the guy is a crook and "Dateline" has been had.
Money, money, money. I don't want anybody to lose their faith, but if you do, give me the pile of money you make as a result and I'll pray for your sorry soul. Deal?

It was a little surprising to me that Jesus's body being eaten by wild dogs kept coming up, appearing amidst the great scholarly work in three of the different years noted. It made me wonder what would happen if you did a news story entitled "Was the Prophet Mohammed eaten by wild dogs?" in Saudi Arabia. Or Denmark, for that matter -- but I wouldn't
try that at home as they say....
And for all you people who refuse to believe that I actually found the body of an extra-terrestrial in the woods, I can't help it that the corpse was eaten by wild dogs right out of my pickup truck before the neighborhood scientist could analyze it.