Hilarious Mashup
Start off your weekend with this hilarious "It's a Mad Mad Mad Max Fury Road" Faux Trailer!
It's a Mad Mad Mad Max Fury Road - Trailer from Zequiodzilla on Vimeo.
Start off your weekend with this hilarious "It's a Mad Mad Mad Max Fury Road" Faux Trailer!
It's a Mad Mad Mad Max Fury Road - Trailer from Zequiodzilla on Vimeo.
For a good laugh, fire up Google and type in the phrase "Self-indulgent sentimental, whiny drivel that stretches analogies till they snap".
Or if you are lazy, just click here.
Then check out the top link.
I had a very of-the-moment experience the other night at bedtime in my hotel room. After reading about the unmitigated horror of Planned Parenthood’s customized cannibalizing of fetal body parts, I toggled over to the ESPN site to watch the propaganda video the network made to set up its awarding Caitlyn Jenner its Arthur Ashe Courage Prize.
Rod Dreher's strategic cultural engagement
I encourage you to watch the clip, which is about 13 minutes long.
Posted by
7/17/2015 03:53:00 PM
Labels: Benedict Option, outrage porn, Rod Dreher's Benedict Option (TM), trannies
These folks. Wrong church, wrong color. But mainly, too busy with an older option of their own.
Things are becoming ever clearer, by the day.
If you're discussing Rod Dreher's newest parasitic project and doing anything other than mocking or criticizing it, even in the most irenic, elliptical terms, you're not following Christ Jesus, you're following this guy,
![]() |
L. Rod Drebbard, #HashtagChristian |
Posted by
7/16/2015 09:19:00 PM
Labels: #hashtagchristian, Benedict Option, cult, Rod Dreher's Benedict Option (TM)
Warning: Reflexive Jack Handey reference imminent:
"Go, Bob, go!" yelled one of the generals. "Give me that" said the big-guy general as he took the microphone away.
These are the ones who have their homes adorned with such things as crucifixes and pictures of the Holy Family; these are the ones whose prayer life is alive with the many practices and devotions we inherited from mighty saints before us. These are the ones who talk openly about God to family and friends on a regular basis. These are the ones who cannot leave home without rosary in hand, as they depend upon the power of such things as Holy Water and Blessed Salt and Benedict Medals. These are the ones who frequent Confession, understanding that a collection of small sins leaves them prone to commit the bigger ones. These are the ones who dedicate their lives and the lives of their family to the mission(s) of their parish. These are the ones who truly live “God fearing” lives, as every decision they make is weighed against whether it is pleasing to God, as they fear ever disappointing God, who they love so much!
Once we restore the home and parishes as powerhouses of grace, we will then see these souls pulsating with the very life of God – grace – and then, we will see them hungry, once again, for “the more” of their faith. Hunger emerges from a soul filled with supernatural grace!
This is the real “Benedict Option.”
Posted by
7/16/2015 12:42:00 PM
Labels: Benedict Option, catholic, Father Richard Heilman
I posted this two years ago today. It was in the midst of the famous Topix flare-up. It may be a good idea for anyone new to the Benedict Option discussion to review this. Or anyone wishing to meditate further on the Platonic ideal of chickenness.
I don't believe Crunchy Conservatism exists. I think it is Rod's invention. I don't think there is any body of thought, serious or otherwise, that is "crunchy conservative." I think Rod points to things he agrees with or likes and calls it crunchy and conservative when often they are one or the other. I think Rod's taxonomy is entirely artificial. And I think the word "crunchy" and the props used to support it are not only superficial, but they smack of precisely the kind of branding and marketing outlook Rod decries. Yes, yes, yes: There are people out there worried about the ravages of the free market and modernity who are conservative. Some of them dig organic food and open-toed-shoes. Some of them do not. I do not see what is to be gained by dividing people who agree on important things by concentrating on unimportant things.
Posted by
7/15/2015 03:46:00 PM
Labels: Benedict Option, Benedict Option Denialism, common sense, crunchy conservatism, food fetish, Rod Dreher, topix
We have at least two Anonymous commenters over here at the moment. And I can't really blame them, I mean if I were them I wouldn't want to be caught hanging out with me. But I'm pretty sure their not me. Pretty sure that is. Does that make sense?
Anyway I think to clear this whole thing up, I think a tag at the bottom of each comment post would help. One of you two has been great at fetching old things from different places on the web, or pointing out new pertinent articles. I think of you as my archivist. So you could sign things "Archivist", whoever you are. Just an idea.
I don't know how many times I've posted this. It just pops into my head, and then I think hey! I need some Rapture Riders!
Posted by
7/13/2015 10:34:00 PM
Labels: elitism, food, food fetish, food porn, humor, internets, whatever, You Know Who
Posted by
7/13/2015 09:24:00 PM
Labels: 2016 Presidential election, Scott Walker
It has already corrupted his employer, The American Conservative. Who or what will it corrupt next?
Just so you know, like Spain's Francisco Franco TAC blogger Noah Millman's "Three More Benedict Option Questions", thoughtfully critical of TAC star Rod Dreher's so-called "Benedict Option", is still dead. As I already wrote here, one can still read the Google cached version here, and Pauli has also archived it on EQE here.
What I want to recap for those innocents not fully up on the story, however, is how we got to this point, and what that journey implies for those choosing to involve themselves on anything Rod Dreher might consider the wrong side of his Benedict Option.
On July 7, while Rod Dreher was vacationing in Italy with his male comrades, his TAC colleague Noah Millman wrote and published "Three More Benedict Option Questions", in so doing linking several times to New York Times Catholic columnist Ross Douthat, a name Rod Dreher drops at every opportunity he gets. One might therefore think Douthat himself would be as interested in the twists and turns of this tale as anyone.
Shortly thereafter, Millman's piece vanished as if it had never been. The next day, July 8, Rod Dreher published in its place "Critics of the Benedict Option", a post in which, by interviewing himself, he and he alone picked the questions, the criticisms, and the answers. As recently as today, Dreher still describes himself as a professional journalist.
So what happened to Millman's piece?
Rod Dreher, professional journalist, first claimed no knowledge of how a post by a colleague critiquing the subject he hopes to write his next book about got spiked between the day it was written and the day Dreher himself wrote a post replacing it, then claimed he never realized that Millman's post had just been written, then pointed his readers to the same dead link.
As Pauli first posted here, commenter Virgil T. Morant alerted us to this statement from TAC implicitly referring to the missing Millman piece critical of Dreher's Benedict Option:
United Airlines, the New York Stock Exchange, and the Wall Street Journal aren’t the only organizations that have encountered technical turbulence lately: on Tuesday an item was incorrectly published on Noah Millman’s blog due to an error in our system. The problem has now been fixed, and we apologize to Noah and to our readers for the mix-up
You can find Noah’s latest posts here at: The Necessity of Greece’s Separation and Obergefell and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Posted by
7/13/2015 09:19:00 PM
Labels: "the" "American" "Conservative", Benedict Option, corruption, Hillary Clinton, intimidation, Rod Dreher, Rod Dreher's Benedict Option (TM), thuggishness
I don't know which event came first, Rod Dreher ranting about how we're not to discuss so-called Benedict Option anymore, or John Zmirak penning his third article on the so-called Benedict Option, which he has obviously been warming up for. Someone else can figure that out if they wish. Here's the lead-off teaser:
Rod Dreher's meme has become The Blob, engorging all it encounters, never assuming a shape you can nail down and consider rationally.
I wrote last week on the “Benedict Option,” a nebulous cultural strategy which its popularizer, Rod Dreher, describes as an “inchoate phenomenon in which Christians adopt a more consciously countercultural stance towards our post-Christian mainstream culture.” It’s named after St. Benedict, the father of Western monasticism, but Dreher isn’t recommending monasticism, or anything else that’s easy to pin down and examine. The concept’s nebulousness, I’ve come to realize, is not a bug but a feature. It allows Dreher an almost infinite freedom to imply whatever he wishes, without committing himself to a single logical or testable assertion from which he cannot backtrack when it’s contested. Nice work if you can get it.
Does Dreher counsel retreat from the public square, from civic life? It’s an urgent question because our First Amendment right to free exercise of religion is under sustained attack from the highest levels of government, the media and even many corporations. The clear-sighted, principled conservative Bruce Frohnen and I each took Dreher to task for waving the white flag in Time magazine just days after the Supreme Court’s same-sex ‘marriage’ decision. Dreher’s piece began with the boldface text: “Voting Republican and other failed culture war strategies are not going to save us now.”
So is dumping the “failed” strategy of voting Republican part of the Benedict Option? Time’s editors thought that this was what Dreher meant, which is why they used that headline — the author’s own words, excerpted from inside the piece. In fact, that call for surrender is surely why Time ran his column in the first place, in the same week that the magazine published an impassioned call for stripping churches of their tax exemptions. Time is not Christianity Today; it shows little interest in offering helpful essays for Christians in living out the gospel.
Who is he talking about? Nominal Christians who rarely ever attend church and live as pagans? But half of them don’t vote; more than half of the remaining half don’t vote Republican; and the half of the half who do almost certainly aren’t doing it to save Christendom. So who are his invisible villains?
Dreher certainly cannot mean the Rev. James Robison, the founder of The Stream, who speaks about politics in defense of religious and economic liberty, marriage and the sanctity of life. Robison also runs a ministry that has led hundreds of thousands of people to Christ while his organization’s unflagging work has helped missionaries dig thousands of wells for poor people across the developing world.
Dreher also can’t be talking about the Catholic Church, which lavishes millions yearly on educating non-Catholic poor children in schools across the country, runs non-profit hospitals that refuse to perform abortions, and sends medical missionaries across the world.
And he’s not referring to the Southern Baptist Convention, which pours millions into disaster relief around the planet, helping Christians in Katrina-ravaged New Orleans and Buddhists in places like Nepal.
Posted by
7/13/2015 09:07:00 AM
Labels: Benedict Option, catholic, common sense, John Zmirak, Rod Dreher