More from Spengler on Michelle Obama's Faustian Bargain
How deep does this rabbit hole go?
Her "hopelessness", "frustration" and "disappointment" remain, exacerbated by guilt over her own success. That is not speculation, but a precis of her own account. One might speculate that the guilt became all the more poignant to the extent her success was unearned. Michelle Obama's employer, The University of Chicago Hospitals, paid her $121,910, a reasonable sum for the skill level evident in her thesis, but raised this to $316,952 shortly after her husband was elected US senator.
Unlike her husband, whose focus on his audience is unwavering, Michelle Obama remains at the mercy of the same internal conflict that she reported in her senior thesis. She is too bitter at the hopelessness of lower-class blacks to assimilate, but too attracted to money and privilege to reject white society. She hates the white institutions that made her prosperous, not only because they cannot solve the problems of the black lower class, but even more so because they made her feel guilty about her own success.
These internal conflicts help explain Michelle Obama's erratic behavior. Despite her own financial success, Michelle Obama continues to preach austerity and self-sacrifice to others....
This lady is a train wreck. Complaining about student loans when you're making that much money? Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and their ilk should shudder in their boots. They created her via injections of white resentment and affirmative action.

Sorry I cannot agree with this. You cannot through her under the train for a few spelling errors and feeling that she was in wonderland after she left the nest.
ReplyDeleteMy family came from Chicago, I was born there. Not exactly a nice welcoming place. King said he was more afraid marching Chicago land than in the south. The hate that hate creates.
Our ethnicities and religion were hated by the dominant Americans. It took a long time to assimilate.
Bringing Mrs. Obama's youthful angst and undergrad thesis's spelling errors into scope is not what we need to do. It is better to focus on Mr Obama's bad ideas.
But when we discuss this kind of stuff, I empathize.
This is how I think. It's one thing if you have a grudge against all these affluent whites you're surrounded with when you're in an Ivy League school. But you need to struggle against that as part of your maturing process, and, by the time your in your 40s, you need to be over it. Well, if you want my trust, that is.
ReplyDeletePhrased another way: I'm OK if this rage/resentment/guilt represents where she comes from. But I think the problem is that it is where she is still coming from.
I agree the spelling thing is just a distraction.
Let's do another post about Mr. Obama's friend James Rezko. Mr. Rezko is a fixer in Illinois politics and the embodiement of all the jokes you have heard about the Dailey Machine Politics.
ReplyDeletePlease. if Princeton was such a trial for her than the last place she should have gone was Harvard Law School. There are highly ranked public law schools all over the country, after all. The prestige sucked her in. This is her fault, no one else's.
ReplyDeleteas far as her spelling errors, sorry, but I'm still scandalized that what is acceptable for an African American's admission to Harvard is so demonstrably inferior to what is expected from a white person (especially one who hasn't made an academic career out of being liberal). Of course the worst victim of this sort of affirmative action is the brilliant African American (I think we can agree Michelle Obama is not brilliant). if Michelle Obama thought everyone was looking askance at her admission or attendance at either Princeton or Harvard ... well, she was probably right, but that's the fault the admissions office and the egregious double standards it applies.
Like I said, I'm willing to cut her some slack for the past, but she's a big girl now. And -- $400K/year salary and a husband who's a national political figure.... definitely she's crying with a loaf of bread under her arm. Anyone in her position who lashes out like she does has an anger problem; she's an angry leftist.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is her "angry leftism" has been rewarded her entire life, so it's not really a thing of her past. instead it was her vehicle to the good life. It has gotten her the loaf of bread under her arm.
ReplyDeleteI hope she receives an UNLIMITED amount of airtime.