"Trivialize her at your own peril."
Christopher Orr at the TNR blog.
Sarah Palin is a living reminder that the ultimate source of political power in this country is not the Kennedy School or the Davos Summit or an Ariana Huffington salon; even now, power emanates from the electorate itself. More precisely, power in 2008 emanates from the working class electorates of Pennsylvania and Ohio.
Sooner or later, the Obama camp will realize that the beauty pageant queen is an enormously talented populist in a year that is ripe for populism. For their own sake, it had better be sooner.

it's truly amazing how clueless the liberal media is about what makes conservatives tick.
ReplyDeleteYeah, there's been a lot of chatter about how horrible it is that the word "elitist" has become a pejorative. So maybe we should take a cue from Ruben Navarette and just call them snobs.
ReplyDeleteIf people who say it's horrible that the word "elitist" has become a pejorative would take the time to define the word, we might be able to tell whether we agree with them.
ReplyDeleteI've seen white liberals express pleasure at being able to vote for a black candidate for president. I'm not sure whether they're the same liberals who are expressing horror at conservatives expressing pleasure at being able to vote for a female moose-hunter for vice president.
Here is a typical quote from an AP story headlined at the Yahoo homepage (a/k/a In-The-Tank-for-Obama-Central):
ReplyDeleteEven before McCain's plane landed, his campaign struck back heatedly at the persistent questions about his surprise choice for vice president, who has been buffeted by political and personal revelations. McCain's campaign declared "this nonsense is over" and announced a new ad to tout Palin's credentials.
Buffeted by WHAT???? You have a presidential candidate with ties to murderous terrorists and racketeers, whose VP choice has a son involved in a hedge-fund scandal, and these CLOWNS have the nerve to claim that Palin's been "buffeted" by the "revelation" that her 17-year-old daughter has teenage hormones...?
This has reached the level of utter and absolute insanity.
she nailed it tonight. holy crap. when i think that peggy noonan would have preferred the skeletoresque kay bailey hutchison up there, i'm just incredulous. (and kind of great this moment comes as my family officially decide to leave DC, ground zero for such blinkered self-absorption.)
ReplyDeletei've also wandered over to the andrew sullivan blog to witness the spectacle of sullivan unloading his stinking rank misogyny all over the place. i can only tolerate that for about 30 seconds, but it's edifying.
honestly, palin's fertility -- her own and that of her daughter -- had an incredible unexpected impact. omg, the little girl licking her fingers and patting down the baby's hair!! the gorgeous pregnant teen...of course, that among other things is what makes sullivan's stomach turn.
ReplyDeleteYep, Sarah Barracuda made her enemies her footstool. I totally agree, Katherine---little Piper licking her fingers to pat down baby Trig's hair...was there a parent in the viewing audience who didn't melt right then and there? Compare that completely unscripted moment with Obama's canned "Hi, Daddy" photo-op.
ReplyDeleteWoo-hoo...a star is born!
Of course, the vicious attack machine is revving up rather frenziedly right now. Gotta pray!! And order those Palin buttons!!
I got a call when I was on jury duty from Catholics for McCain and I shelved it -- that was when Lieberman and Ridge were being "floated".
ReplyDeleteBut now....
Peggy Noonan has.... issues.
ReplyDeleteKudos to Dreher for being totally on board with Palin, and I say that because a lot of his buddies aren't: Sullivan, Larison and the other paleos he usually pimps for.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I noticed that WRT Dreher, too. Perhaps there's hope for him yet.
ReplyDeleteLarison is anti-Palin? Vouz kiddez-moi. Is he pro-Obama? How does he square that with his faith? Does he twist himself into painful pretzels a la Vox Nova?
No, Larison doesn't support Obama. I think he's a supporter of Ron Paul.