"Whoever enters through me will be saved"
I like reading the commentaries on the Mass scriptures at Daily Gospel. Today's is from St. Thoms Aquinas and is really good, as the Aneglic Doctor always is.
"I am the good shepherd." It is obvious that the title of 'shepherd' is appropriate for Christ. For just as a shepherd leads his flock to pasture, so Christ refreshes the faithful with the spiritual food of his own body and blood... On the other hand, Christ has said that the shepherd goes in by the door and that he himself is that door. So from this we must understand that it is he who goes in through himself. This is certainly true. It is indeed through himself that he enters in. In his own self he reveals himself and it is through himself that he shows he knows the Father, whereas we, on our part, go in through him and it is he who gives perfect happiness to us.
The door is none other than he for none other is "the true light which enlightens everyone" (Jn 1,9)... That is why no one says of themselves that they are the door; to Christ alone is this name reserved as belonging to him by right. The title of shepherd, however, he has passed on to others, having given it to certain of his members. Thus Peter also has it (Jn 21,15f.) and the other apostles, as also all bishops. Scripture says: "I will appoint over you shepherds after my own heart," (Jer 3,15)... No shepherd is good unless he is united to Christ by charity, thus becoming a member of the true shepherd.
For the good shepherd's office is charity. That is why Jesus says that he "lays down his life for the sheep" (Jn 10,11)... Christ has set us an example: "he laid down his life for us; so we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers» (1 Jn 3,16).

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