Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My email to AFP

In a mass email, the Ohio Chapter of Americans for Prosperity asked for suggestions of "what to do next" with regards to the "Tea Parties". Following is my idea which I emailed to them. I admit at the end that I don't know if someone might already have done this:

Maybe the participants should take a cue from the original Boston Tea Party in these protests. The truth was that the colonists loved their tea, but the tax on tea angered them, so they dumped some for a powerful symbolic effect. Likewise we as modern Americans might love Chevrolets and Dodge trucks, but we are ever more infuriated in the realization that our tax money will serve to bail out and prop up these incompetent corporate hulks. Wouldn’t it be a powerful symbol if citizens took sledgehammers to automobiles easily identified as GM and Chrysler to show our disapproval of this use of our tax dollars? They could even dress in the colonial style, like George Washington with a powdered wig and everything. Or possibly wearing a Ford T-shirt and/or ball cap if budget constraints dictate.

I’ll admit this sounds pricey compared to dumping boxes of tea, but I’ll bet there are some mad-as-hell car dealers out there who, faced with being shut down by the Obama Administration, would donate some stagnant inventory for the cause. Those wishing to take swings could also be persuaded to donate to help cover costs.

I realize there might be a backlash against this demonstration. A Chevrolet is somewhat of an icon of cultural pride for Americans. But that’s the point. We would be saying “No more” and this would give us an opportunity to educate the public about why we are doing this. We would be saying, “Faced with a choice between these two powerful icons of our heritage, on the one hand that of the sleek, stylish automobile and on the other hand the freedom-loving colonial Patriot, we will choose the latter; substance over style, liberty over tyranny, humble common sense over hubristic government incompetence.” Many people have already stated that due to the bankruptcies they will never buy another one of these automotive products again. It’s a divorce of sorts, and you have to expect it to be messy. I also apologize if someone else already suggested this idea; I don’t view much television.

I didn't mention this, but I was thinking that after the smashing took place, it would be cool if a bunch of people dressed like Indians with the war paint and the feathers and loin cloths―the whole 9-yards of get-up―poured gasoline on the wreckage and lit if on fire.

Yes, I admit that this whole thing appeals to my destructive nature and my violent tendencies as a male person. But―wouldn't it be fun?


  1. You know, there's something very "Atlas Shrugged" about that idea. I'm pretty engrossed in the audiobook right now, and some of the "producers" did stuff like that so the "looters" wouldn't get their businesses. Dealers who are losing their dealerships would send a great message by doing that. (This current administration are definitely looters.) But there's a strong part of me that would hate to see perfectly good new cars destroyed. Maybe they could smash apart beaters instead, although the message may lose some impact.

    Whatever the case, they can't have my 300 -- I need it, it's half paid off and it's a really nice ride. ;-)

  2. Susan, good points. The action would be mostly symbolic since there aren't really any gov't cars yet. It's sort of like when CBS bought Fender in 1965 and started mass-producing them in '66. You can read about it here.
