Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Because the left loves to lie and the press doesn't mind playing along

OOPS! Self-righteous liar from the "yes men" gets caught out...These "yes men" types go around faking press interviews/press conferences. They are quite impressed with themselves. Today our crusading Yes Man was impersonating the Chamber of Commerce at the National Press Club, stating that the Chamber objects to clean coal and would prefer solar energy. He gets outed by a real employee of the Chamber who accidentally got wind of the fraudulent press conference. The attendant press gets a clue and asks our crusading "yes man" who the hell he really is, and he answers with pathetic liberal boilerplate. And his voice quivers cuz he's really bummed his farce wasn't swallowed whole in what would have been an orgasmic Alinsky-ite apotheosis for his pathetic psyche. disgusting.


  1. Love it. The line "this is embarrassing for you" from that chick to the real COC guy was classic. I loved that guy--100% no-nonsense, 100% confidence.

    If the left's position is so great, why not present it legitimately? I wish the independents in this country would wake up and realize that the left and right are NOT EQUAL.

  2. He is so rattled and the "intern" is all downcast and pouty. How they continue to lie even after the guy outs them is positively juvenile.

  3. oh, and what a coinkydink: this story appeared 2 days ago in Politico: "White House plan: neuter the Chamber"

    but these idiots couldn't possibly have synced up with the *White House*. the white house has bigger things on its mind that juvenile attempts at sabotage. oh wait...
