Wednesday, September 1, 2010

"Regular Ramblings" come in all shapes and sizes

I have enjoyed some things which Ross Douthat has written in the past, and I think if I recall they have all been about religion, not politics. Whenever he talks about politics I have trouble seeing his point. To me, it comes across as impressionistic and supercilious, and I'm not really into modern art. His piece on the Beck rally is no exception. He says it was "stranger" than his on-air rants against liberalism, it was like a revival meeting or a product of identity politics without the actual politics. His description is not very descriptive and he was supposedly actually there.

It seems like Mr. Douthat may be trying to prove Mr. Levin correct in his assessment; Levin is quite a bit plainer-spoken than Douthat is.

Douthat is illustrative of a desperate climber trying to claw his way to the top. And he is encouraged on his journey by other obscure light-weights who clap like trained seals for they share in his delusion. But he damns himself with his regular ramblings in the New York Times -- he, a failed author to boot. Thoughts?

Here are my thoughts: Mark Levin will probably not be asked to write for the NY Times any time soon, and Ross Douthat wouldn't be very good at doing talk radio. Perhaps he is a thinker, contrary to Levin's doubts, but he is not good at communicating those thoughts.

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