Sunday, May 20, 2012

View From Your Parish

I got an idea from an anonymous commenter last week who suggested—in jest I believe—the creation of some kind of site called View From Your Parish which would feature pictures of potato salads from church dinners and whatnot. I thought, well, that's a good idea, but maybe we should feature something a little more uplifting than potato salad. Unless, of course, the potato salad has been blessed on Holy Saturday and has some sort of halo. Otherwise what's the point of looking at potato salad if you can't have a taste.

So along comes Pinterest and I get sucked in with loads of other folks. Here's my page for View From Your Parish and I started with one picture I snapped today in St. Patrick on Bridge Street in Cleveland.

At this point you have to receive and invite to post (pin) things on Pinterest. Anyone here who wants to contribute to my View From Your Parish page, just let me know and I'll invite you via email.

If you don't want to join Pinterest you can always pray for us sore pinners. (Get it?)

I guess I'm not just a pinner. I'm a punner.

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