Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Hobby Lobby Decision Makes Liberal Heads Explode

You have to look at this stuff. Here are my favorite freak-outs:

Because women still have to deal with vagina-hating coots like Alito and Scalia #yesallwomen.

At least he didn't write cooter-hating coots. That would just be confusing.

I hope Scalia, Alito, Thomas, Roberts and Kennedy drown in a sea of birth-control pills. #hobbylobby

I didn't realize birth control pills were liquid. Well you learn something new every day, especially if you are a misogynistic mantard like me.

Hobby Lobby to mandate employees to eat the blood and flesh imaginary jews on Sundays. #whatwillittake

There it is! Wondered when we'd hit the anti-Catholic stuff, even though the Hobby Lobby people aren't Catholic. Guy Benson has a good article on Townhall about the reflexive attacks. Excerpt:

Leave it to Harry Reid to make the cheapest argument imaginable, which naturally fails to mention that a key related ruling against the overreaching mandate at the DC Circuit Court of Appeals was handed down by Judge Janice Rogers Brown, an African American woman. It's time that our white male Senate Majority Leader stop telling black woman jurists how to do their jobs. And I, for one, "can't believe we live in a world" in which a privileged white woman [Elizabeth Warren] can shamelessly traffic in an entirely unsupportable "ethnicity" claim throughout her career, drop the pretense once she's reached the pinnacle of her profession, and still get elected to the United States Senate as an anti-privilege, populist liberal.


  1. My favorite is Harry Reid's


    who voted for RFRA before he became incensed at SCOTUS for upholding it.

    But anything orbiting within the inner planets of what actually went down legally tends to put these useful outrage fires out pretty quickly, so it's to outrage infinity and beyond!

    And a cautionary note: Dreher has tossed his copy of Dante into the azaleas for the time being and has hauled out his vuvuzela of manufactured outrage at the liberal outrage, some of which lib outrage is genuine stuff and some of which has obviously been manufactured by Dreher hind cheeks taking over from tired Dreher lungs. The last thing that conservatives - that's to say, thus not including Dreher - want to do is enhance the liberals' ability to crank any more War On Women fundraising out of this than is already destined. Dreher's doing enough of that fifth column work already.

    1. Well, I obviously spoke too soon: he's now treed another Dante squirrel in David Brooks.

      I'd still be cautious about wandering into Dreher-madness territory over predictable lib reaction, and just as cautious about the mopey fatalism Gabriel Malor slaps Avik Roy around for indulging in.

  2. My fave is from the presumptive and ordained Democrat candidate for President in 2016, in which she equates the Hobby Lobby decision with something like the imposition of sharia law by ISIS:

    "It is a disturbing trend that you see in a lot of societies that are unstable, anti-democratic, and prone to extremism. Women’s bodies are used as the defining and unifying issue to bring together people—men—to get them to behave in ways that are disadvantageous to women but prop up rulers.”

    Now, she said, something similar was happening in the United States, where religion was worming its way into government.

    The writer from the once-great-but-no-longer-readable Atlantic summarized Clinton's comments thusly:

    It was Clinton at her best: speaking on an issue clearly dear to her heart and able to use her lengthy experience in government to help illuminate the issue.

    Illuminate, indeed.

    1. It's a long way to 2016, but I'm beginning to come around to the point of view that Hillary has a bit of the aroma of albatross to her.

      Of course, no one on her side is going to be so rude as to mention the smell of cadaverene yet, but Jonah Goldberg is already making a plausible case for an alternative.

      Of course, we are now through the looking glass with the first black President who might have been, and that doesn't seem to faze Obama all that much, so Hillary doesn't even have to run to follow suit as the first female President who might have been. Like Obama, she only needs to cultivate her cult status and she can keep on being Hillary while avoiding all the hard parts entirely.

    2. Anecdotally, I know a couple of old-time pro-labor-type Democrats -- one of whom literally prays for the conversion of Republicans while saying grace and likes the cut of Elizabeth Warren's jib (if that's not too sexist) -- who are highly doubtful about Clinton. They will dutifully vote against whichever charmer the GOP decides is due to be on the ballot, but it wouldn't take much at all for them to vote against Hillary in the primary. (After all, they, and a lot of other Democrats, have experience voting against Hillary in a primary....)

    3. I certainly agree that "Women’s bodies are [being] used as the defining and unifying issue to bring together people... to get them to behave in ways that are disadvantageous to women but prop up rulers.”

      It happens, for example, whenever a bullshitter speaks about the "war on women."
