Thursday, July 9, 2015

A hit parade of options, one Benedict

Diane's blog friend, the Catholic < - > Orthodox Gabriel Sanchez, has put together a list of Christian Options worthy of being perused far beyond the borders of his own blog. So as not to over-borrow, I have only excerpted the first and last four. Go here to read all the rest.

Too Many Options

After months of painstaking research and serious scholarly inquiry, I have uncovered a comprehensive list of all of the available “Options” that we Christians of 21st Century liberal America can exercise during these most unsettling times. You’re welcome.

 1.  Cupich Option – I’m ok, you’re ok
 2.  Ligouri Option – You’re definitely not ok and neither am I; in fact we’re probably both going to hell
 3.  Romanides Option – The Franks are definitely not ok
 4.  Bandera Option – Poles and Russians are definitely not ok; Ukrainians, however, are
22. Kallistos Option – Birth control is not ok, then again maybe it is sort of ok. Never mind, now it’s ok
23. Palamas Option – Seeing God’s uncreated energies is perfectly ok
24. Thomist Option – No it isn’t
25. Benedict Option – To be determined


  1. Diane will appreciate this:

    The Remnant Option – Most things in the Catholic Church are not ok, and we’re going to tell you over and over… I do. Could also call it the Michael Voris option.
