Wednesday, March 21, 2007

My First Rudy Post

I'm not saying I'm for or against Rudy for President in 2008. But I know there are some people who read this humble blog who are fer 'im and some who are agin 'im. So I figgered this post would generate some good discussion. Peter Mulhern writes this thought-provoking piece on America's Mayor as a man who should be at least "heard out". He tackles the abortion angle from the perspective of the so-called "right" to abort:

The "pro-choice" argument has always been incoherent because it depends on the absurd idea that there can be a constitutional right to do wrong. Rational and decent people can believe that abortion should be legal, but only a monster or a moron can maintain that a civilized nation should celebrate abortion as a constitutional right.

Social conservatives don't need a president who will mount a crusade to re-criminalize abortion nationwide. They need a president who can persuade the American people that proclaiming a constitutional right to abort is barbaric. In all the decades since Roe v. Wade no politician has ever made this point clearly and forcefully.

Giuliani could be the first. He could argue that there can't be a right to do wrong more persuasively and with much less political risk than any pro-life true believer. Just as it took a career anti-Communist to normalize relations with China, it may take a politician with no pro-life credentials to terminate Harry Blackmun's reign of error. By fighting for the proposition that Roe v. Wade has distorted our constitutional law long enough, Giuliani could do more to defeat the culture of death than any of his Republican predecessors.

Hat tip to A. Sullivan.

1 comment:

  1. it hadn't occuured to me that giuliani being vocally pro-choice could militate in favor of Roe's reversal -- it's logical. But this would fly only if everyone were familiar with the separation of powers, legal reasoning behind Roe, the fact that the USSC reviews only what is *Constitutional* -- in other words this tactic would require a more legally sophisticated populace than what we have. one must only look to the recent catholic blogosphere to see all the, shall we say, *legally unsophisticated* pro-lifers already marinating in knee-jerk indignance over a Giuliani candidacy. if they would step back and examine things for a moment, they would see that reversal of Roe is the only pro-life game in town, and an "officially pro-life president" is not necessary to accomplish this. but they won't.
