Friday, July 27, 2007

Michael on Michael

Here's Michael Medved's commentary on Michael Moore's new film. From a email. It's entitled "Someone Always Pays".

After the record-breaking box-office returns of "Fahrenheit 9/11," the limited commercial success of Michael Moore's new film, "Sicko," counts as a major disappointment.

The movie's generated little enthusiasm because it offers movie-goers very little fun: it's a dreary cinematic pamphlet on the miserable state of health care in the U.S., and the supposed glories of socialized systems in Canada, Britain, France and Cuba. Unlike "Fahrenheit," or "Bowling for Columbine," Moore makes not the slightest attempt to talk with people with opposing viewpoints, so there's no confrontational adventure; just a tedious illustrated lecture in the style of "An Inconvenient Truth."

Moreover, Moore endlessly repeats the phrase "free medical care," without acknowledging that someone always pays. He never mentions the cost to taxpayers of the "free care" he admires. Maybe some Americans would willingly accept sharply increased taxes to get government-run health services, and Moore's film would prove more watchable if he offered an honest view of that choice.

Yeah, that's why I go to movies: to be lectured on how we'd be better off in "Cuber", to use the Kennedy pronunciation of Castro's little dictatorship.

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