Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Kucinich Robo-calls Disguised as Mortgage-Related

Check it out. I've gotten two calls from this number, 702-553-0580, and it's basically Mr. Urban DK himself telling me to vote for him. But here's the trick he pulls; the Caller ID shows up as "Mortgage".


This is the first time in my 10-years in Ohio 10th that I've been robocalled by the little green man himself, so I'm hoping he really is worried and stretching a little bit. But this misleading Caller ID stunt could have a backlash and that's what I'm hoping for.

1 comment:

  1. dreher and wife voted for wendell berry today. is she proud of the fact that she copies everything the guy does? couldn't she at least have thought of her own tailor-made, "look how much more special and thoughtful i am" candidate? (for example, the lady who authored "The Surrendered Wife", or perhaps Frederica Mathewes-Green)?
