Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Mike Huckabee's Thoughts

"We will be back in strength," says the former Arkansas governor. Huck has a way with words, so I'll let his words be mine. Excerpt:

The campaign is over and now is the time for governing and leading. The Republican Party must now reassess where it is and where it is going. Our problem is not that our views aren't acceptable, it is that many in our party have abandoned the very principles that once drew Americans to trust us. Our party will be back with strength, but tonight we should all celebrate the historic nature of this election and put our country ahead of our party.

I must admit I'm not hopeful at all about an Obama presidency. I think could be the beginning of a 4-year "campaign" of sorts to right perceived wrongs Robin Hood-style while ignoring terrorism, property rights and not to mention the rights of the unborn.

That's all I'll say for now–it's probably early to make predictions about threats to the first two amendments, but others have done so. It doesn't bode well when an Obama ad uses an orange-vested hunter as an iconic backdrop for mention of the 2nd amendment in a TV ad. That right is not about going after 4-legged animals and then shooting them, it's about 2-legged animals coming after you and then shooting them. John Lott, Obama's former colleague at the University of Chicago, was on Medved's show last week recalling his first encounter with the President-elect:

Obama: Oh, You're the gun guy.
Lott: Yeah, that's right. We should get together and talk about it sometime.
Obama: (laughing and walking away) I don't think people should be allowed to own guns.

Well, we've survived that mentality in the past, let's hope we do again.


  1. if we're back in strength, it will be no thanks to huckabee. sorry, i have disdain for almost all the national republican candidates, but especially crunchy con's fave

  2. Call me a kook, but I look at this more spiritually than politically. No, I don't think Obambi is the anti-Christ, but I do think he's one of the precursors. I think America as we knew it is dead, at least temporarily. If I did not have my Catholic faith, I would be scared sh_tless. As it is, I am having panic attacks and weird, terrifying dreams.

    I am so glad my two kids are almost done with much you wanna bet Obambi's gonna go after homeschoolers the way the NEA tried to do some years ago? I feel sorry for homeschool parents with young kids; they'll have to fight for their rights.

    That doesn't even touch on all the other stuff, like getting taxed into oblivion and getting FOCA passed (the biggest threat of all by far). Or having Obambi institute his "civilian militia." Or having conservative media silenced via the Unfairness Doctrine.

    This guy is way, way, way scarier than most people can even imagine. I was a late-'60s student radical back in the day; I hung around with some of the people who later helped form the Weathermen. This has been the radicals' strategy for decades -- working from within to take over he system. If that sounds crazy, just think -- the poor Cubans didn't know Castro was a Marxist either until he got into power.

    OK, write me off as a crazy kook, but, as I said, I can't help being scared out of my wits, and only prayer can calm me.

  3. Call me a kook, but I look at this more spiritually than politically. No, I don't think Obambi is the anti-Christ, but I do think he's one of the precursors. I think America as we knew it is dead, at least temporarily. If I did not have my Catholic faith, I would be scared sh_tless. As it is, I am having panic attacks and weird, terrifying dreams.

    I am so glad my two kids are almost done with much you wanna bet Obambi's gonna go after homeschoolers the way the NEA tried to do some years ago? I feel sorry for homeschool parents with young kids; they'll have to fight for their rights.

    That doesn't even touch on all the other stuff, like getting taxed into oblivion and getting FOCA passed (the biggest threat of all by far). Or having Obambi institute his "civilian militia." Or having conservative media silenced via the Unfairness Doctrine.

    This guy is way, way, way scarier than most people can even imagine. I was a late-'60s student radical back in the day; I hung around with some of the people who later helped form the Weathermen. This has been the radicals' strategy for decades -- working from within to take over he system. If that sounds crazy, just think -- the poor Cubans didn't know Castro was a Marxist either until he got into power.

    OK, write me off as a crazy kook, but, as I said, I can't help being scared out of my wits, and only prayer can calm me.

  4. oops, sorry for double post! Technical glitch!

  5. Dianonymous,

    You can be sure they will go after homeschoolers with a vengeance. After all, how can all those "educators" who are disciples of Ayers indoctrinate the children of the nation if they are being homeschooled or are in private schools? They will probably go after religious private schools as well.

    All the other stuff is alarming as well: FOCA, the civilian militia and the "Fairness" Doctrine (leftists are already salivating over silencing conservatives).

    I'm very concerned over this and so are a whole lot of other people I know. All I can say is we need to be vigilant and stick together. And pray.

  6. Susan, I'm so glad I'm not alone! When I confess my fears to some of my conservative Catholic friends, they kind of pooh-pooh them. Several have stated that Obama's election may turn out to be a Good Thing, since it will prove so disastrous that a resurgent conservatism will come back into favor. Kind of like Jimmy Carter II.

    I don't buy that. Carter was an idiot, but he wasn't scary. Even Clinton wasn't scary. Obama is scary.

    And he can do a *lot* of damage--damage that may prove nigh irreversible--in four years. He can set the pro-life movement back by *decades.* He can harass and threaten homsechoolers. He can silence talk radio. He can roll up the Constitution and use it to potty-train his kids' new puppy. ("Bad dog!"--smack)

    I have always taken our freedoms for granted, and now I am terrified that we may lose them. This is a guy who thinks the Constitution's outdated. With a leftist Congress and judiciary behind him, he can abrogate so many of our precious liberties.

    And what if there's that international crisis Biden promised? I can see Obambi invoking emergency executive powers and imposing martial law. (And then forgetting to un-impose it?) Seriously! Yes, it's a nightmare scenario, and I sure hope that my fears have simply run away with me. But I don't think we can lull ourselves into complacency with that "It can't happen here" stuff. How many others before us have said, "It can't happen here"--yet it did. I mean, who would have thougth we'd ever discover a Constitutional "penumbra" allowing the butchering of unborn babies? Yet we did.

    These people, Obama above all, regard the Constitution as a rough draft. It won't curb their crazy plans, because they plan to pretty much re-interpret it into next new year.

    I'm not up on my whacko conspiracy theories, so believe me, I'm not saying all this based on kook-fringe reading or anything. I'm saying it because I have a visceral, instinctive fear. I hope that fear is groundless, but I fear it's not.

  7. Dianonymous,

    I was reading somewhere recently (I can't remember where) that Obama was actually lamenting that the Constitution is too "negative" with all its talk of what the gov't cannot do. He felt there should be more of what the gov't can do. This attitude is definitely something we should be wary of.

    And check this out. A teacher in a public school browbeating a little girl in her class who supported John McCain. A little girl whose father was serving in Iraq. "Oh, Jesus...John McCain!" Yes this idiot woman actually took the Lord's name in vain in her classroom. Then she turned around in an interview and lied and said she respected all views. The footage is from a Finnish documentary. Welcome to "education" as envisioned by Bill Ayers.
