Thursday, July 15, 2010

Reminder: You Assclowns Passed Obamacare

I didn't read this whole article, but I have to laugh at the first paragraph which is a good summary:

House Democrats are lashing out at the White House, venting long-suppressed anger over what they see as President Obama's lukewarm efforts to help them win reelection―and accusing administration officials of undermining the party's chances of retaining the majority in November's midterm elections.

I'm not defending President Obama in this, and as a conservative, I'd love to see the Administration and the Dem-controlled Congress beat each other bloody and both lose. But it must be the height of stupidity on the part of a Democrat congressman after listening to the President instead of their constituency on a whole mess of unpopular legislation―like Obamacare―to expect some type of magical bailout from the executive. The branches of government are supposed to work independently, so the President could say with all appearance of innocence "What? You wanted something in return for your vote?" The President can persuade the Congress to vote one way of the other, but Obama lacks the power to persuade anyone but the choir, so he usually opts for brute force to get things passed. This isn't really illegal, but it pisses off the populace as the falling poll numbers demonstrate. And the piper is duly paid via the ballot box.

So in a sense, this kind of brass knuckle Chicago politics works as intended. And a few congressmen are kind of learning the lesson by using bullying tactics to keep the plebs in their districts in line. Ciro Rodriguez, for example, and of course the inimitable Bob Etheridge. My guess is that we'll see more of this behavior as November approaches, so keep those camcorder batteries charged.

Please set me straight if I am missing something here. And, in related news, check out the plan for Obamacare to use your tax dollars to pay for abortions. Yeah―who was Bart Stupak?


  1. I guess we shouldn't be surprised that sell-out Democrats lack foresight not only about the effects of their policies but their own careers. I'm guessing each believed they were special to the administration and therefore were going to be taken care of if they were voted out. Maybe there just aren't enough patronage jobs to go around.

  2. If you didn't read the whole article, you missed the last paragraph, which makes little sense: 'One House Democrat compared their relationship with the White House to the 1970s Life commercials starring "Mikey," the kid whose brothers trick him into eating the cereal. "There's a sense that's the White House's attitude toward us," the lawmaker said. "And now, Mikey ate it and he's choking on it, and there's no appreciation."'

    I think people like Stupak knew exactly what would happen with the abortion stuff. Michigan, like Ohio, seems too stupid to get some decent legislators in, so maybe Stupak counted on that.

  3. I read the first page. But that concluding part is pretty funny and definitely shows the danger of half-cocked analogizing, Barb. Reminds me of the line from "Waiting For Guffman" from Chris Guest's flamboyant character, Corky: "It's like a Zen thing, like how many babies can you fit in a tire? you know, the old joke...." and the guy he's talkign to says "Yeah, I see what you mean," but you can tell he's thinking "WHAAAAA?"
