Thursday, August 19, 2010

Feisal Adbul Rauf, Daisy Khan: "beneficiaries of a compliant and un-inquisitive media"

The media compliance with Feisal Adbul Rauf and Daisy Khan is really well demonstrated in this piece. Excerpt:

For who can honestly begrudge Rauf and Kahn their inability to reconcile Rauf’s post-911 assertion that America was an “accessory” to the terrorist slaughter of 3,000 of her own; their refusal to disclose the sources of the $100 Million they are raising; or their malleable condemnation of “terrorism?” And is their apparent condemnation of terrorism conditional, such as it is with many who identify with political Islam? Also, what about Rauf’s refusal to denounce the violent terrorist group Hamas as a terrorist organization?

These would seem the salient questions…and yet, these queries are never made during the “interviews” to which these two submit. If only their “mainstream” inquisitors would dig as deep within the Muslim community as they do looking for any trace or nuance that could be construed as “racism” among the “tea parties.” And to those who argue that the mosque isn’t “at ground zero,” we say, you are right, it’s not actually perched on top of the hole, but if you had been there on Sept. 11, 2001, you would have had a front row seat to the carnage, and debris would have rained down upon you.

Later on the authors bring up 4th Generation Warfare which is a theory I think is a little bit off, but they're larger point is obvious and one with which I agree, viz., that planting Mosques is a strategy to take over, not build cultural bridges.

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