Thursday, October 9, 2014

Hold Pro-Abortion Politicians Accountable

Here's an email I got yesterday from the National Pro-Life Alliance. If you can throw some funds their way, please do.

Pauli --

"Many hands make light work . . ."

. . . That's pretty much the whole idea behind grassroots mobilization.

NPLA doesn't have the powerful interests spending hundreds of millions. (And we don't need them.)

We have supporters like you, and at big fundraising deadlines, we're absolutely relying on you to come through and make a donation.

Can we count on you, Pauli?

According to our records associated with this exact email address, here's what we have marked down for you:

-- 2014 Election Mobilization Program: Not yet
-- Suggested Action: Donate $5 or more today.

Every day when I come to work, I see why grassroots organizing matters. It's about building relationships, and empowering everyday Americans to stand up and be heard.

It's truly inspiring.

But when we're facing a huge budget deadline like Thursday's, it's also incredibly nerve-wracking.

Our grassroots programs depend on support from folks like you -- anyone who is ready to take action across the country.

We set a goal of reaching $43,000 before Thursday at midnight (24 hours). That breaks down to about 16 donations from . We can do that, right?

Every donation here goes a long way. (And it's my job to make sure of that!)

Before our critical fundraising deadline on Thursday night, please chip in $5 or more:


-- Jenni


Because of NPLA's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(c)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)). Privacy Policy.

To help NPLA grow, please consider forwarding this message to a friend.


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