Friday, October 24, 2014

New Open Comment Thread

I just added a new feature to the blog here, and I'm hoping people will find it useful. If no one does, I'll go out in the woods and throw rocks at small, innocent animals.

No, seriously, in the spirit of "Open Line Friday", I created an Open Comments Page where people can go any time and leave a comment about anything they'd like to see covered here, or to vent, or to exercise their First Amendment rights, etc. You get the idea.

To the purpose of making it as easy as possible to access this wonderful invention, I have posted this cute little picture over in the right-hand column so it is easy to access from the home page or any page of this blog. As you might imagine, I am thoroughly impressed by my own genius.

At this point, it may be a good idea to review our de facto commenting policy here at Est Quod Est as stated five years ago:

Don’t use threatening language toward other commenters or their expensive pets. Not responsible for suicides. Please bring your own ropes and petards.


  1. Is this the shape of things to come?

    Jonathan Carpenter

  2. Did you read what the Nags from the View said? Proof that Anti-Catholicism is the Jew-baiting of Liberals.
    Jonathan Carpenter

  3. In which Dreher tells all of his bad awful day traveling because he didn't pay attention to the gate change at the airport, claiming hearing loss from his edgy first career, makes sophomoric jokes about a leading liver transplant hospital (he should visit a transplant floor someday, esp. liver transplant recipients), and expects his readers to care -- and sure enough, the trained seals step up to the plate.

  4. I deleted Keith's comment and put it over here on the open thread. Sorry if people were confused by this post where the open thread post is.

    The content of Keith's post is worth reading esp. noting how Erin Manning can be so obnoxious even when she's 99.9% correct.
