For those who lack the time to read Little Green Footballs
Little Green Footballs is a blog with so much bloviation information, it's hysterical unreal. But if you are like me, you don't have time to read everything. LGF Watch is kind of a "best of" site, a Reader's Digest version which interprets the Brilliant Sayings of Charles Johnson for ordinary pedestrian types like you and me.
UPDATE: Noticed that these folks are for the most part attacking LGF from the left, but no matter. It's fun to watch cat fights. As J. P. Sartre famously stated, "Hell is other people."
Another (and better) anti-LGF site is It consists of the conservatives and other wrongthinkers CJ has disposed of in recent months. They also discuss the anti-Jihad topics that no longer interest CJ and the lizards. (After all, those creationists are a much more serious threat to civilization.)