Not Enough Votes for Obamacare
Redstate's Erick Erickson has the scoop. That is a cool name, BTW.
The piece starts out fairly boring for non-wonks, but then gets interesting under the heading "BACKGROUND:". I especially was intersted in the pro-life angle expressed in the Letter To Speaker Pelosi dated June 25th. It's summarized as follows:
“We Cannot Support Any Health Care Reform Proposal Unless It Explicitly Excludes Abortion From The Scope Of Any Government-Defined Or Subsidized Health Insurance Plan.” “We believe in a culture that supports and respects the right to life and is dedicated to the protection and preservation of families. Therefore, we cannot support any health care reform proposal unless it explicitly excludes abortion from the scope of any government-defined or subsidized health insurance plan. We believe that a government-defined or subsidized health insurance plan, should not be used to fund abortion.” (Letter To Speaker Pelosi, 6/25/09)
This is old news, I know, but it's interesting to note that failure to do anything about this on the part of Obama and the Democratic supporters reveals how much of a non-negotiable issue Federally-funded Abortion is to these folks. The letter was signed by the following Democrats: Dan Boran (D-Okla.), Bart Stupak (D-Mich.), Colin Peterson (D-Minn..), Tim Holden (D-Pa.), Travis Childers (D-Miss.), Lincoln Davis (D-Tenn.), Heath Shuler (D-N.C.), Solomon Ortiz (D-TX), Mike Mclntyre (D-N.C.), Jerry Costello (D-Ill.), Gene Taylor (D-Miss.), James Oberstar (D-Minn.), Bobby Bright (D-Ala.), Steve Driehaus (D-Ohio), Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio), Charlie Melancon (D-La.), John Murtha (D-Pa.), Paul Kanjorski (D-Pa.), and Kathleen Dahlkemper (D-Pa.).
Rep. Peter Stark (D-CA) receives the coveted Non Sequitur Award:
“Well, the only co-op I know about is when I used to milk cows and we sold the milk to Golden Guernsey. And I think there’s only one co-op left,” said Stark, who considers the co-op idea a non-starter. “There aren’t many of you listening who remember the co-ops of the ’30s, which was a - just kind of a Roosevelt outgrowth of rural electric co-ops, phone co-ops.” (David Lightman and William Douglas, “Health Care Debate Exposes Regional Rift For Democrats,” McClatchy Newspapers, 9/3/09)
The situation reminds me of the old Star Trek episodes where Captain Kirk calls down to Scotty and asks for "Warp 8", or something. And Scotty tells him he's trying to break the laws of physics and the ship is about to explode. But then the Captain explains that he really needs it, and somehow Scotty delivers, and the ship doesn't break up. Is that going to happen here? Will Captain Obama ram the public option through the engine room and beam it up to the Senate? Will the mothership called the Democratic party survive the black hole of the President's lies? Will the crew members be seduced by green-skinned ACORN prostitutes?

Tune in tommorrow....
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