Governor Casey's Revenge
I have become increasingly frightened by the possibility of an Obama presidency. Nevertheless, seeing the Clintons unable to get their way has provided some perverse moments of satisfaction. Also, I have been quite disappointed with Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey Jr. who has not lived up to his father's legacy. Gov. Bob Casey Sr. provided a model of what a faithful Catholic Democrat would look like. So while Casey Jr.'s endorsement of Obama does not thrill me it does provide one satisfying result: Revenge form the grave for Casey Sr. Remember that in 1992 Bill Clinton kept the good governor (whose victory in a big state over a pro-choice Republican was quite an upset and should have made him a star in the party) from speaking at the Democratic National Convention because of his strong pro-life position. But Kathy Taylor, a pro-choice Republican --from Pennsylvania no less -- did address the convention. From the NYT story: