Top Tips for the Faithful!
Hey, faithful Catholics! Here's a top tip: if your favorite Catholic "apologist" posts this sort of photo on his public Facebook profile (emphasis on public):
you may want to reconsider whose ideas about Catholicism you should be taking seriously.
As an addendum: if you are a "communications" dude for the ne plus ultra of conservative American bishops -- like, say, Bishop Loverde of the Arlington, VA diocese -- you just might have better things to do than publicly scold a priest for calling out said Catholic "apologist". After all, conservative bishops have much, much more pressing things to think about. Don't they? At least, that's most what Catholics believe when they donate to the Bishop's Appeal...
Finally, our last top tip for the day: If you are frequenting a Catholic "portal" that is rife with Catholic bloggers vociferously defending their Catholic "blogbrother" who publicly online poses behind a gun ... that just might be a portal to nowhere. Or worse.