Monday, September 10, 2007

If only you could bottle this

HT Anchoress by way of Maternal optimist.

I can totally appreciate this since I often laugh uproariously at things which are seemingly unfunny to others. Granted I'm not this cute, but hey, works for me, and it's cheaper than renting a DVD.


  1. He's right, though. Entropy is an absolute riot.

  2. Speaking of entropy, I wished I had a camcorder a couple weeks ago at the North Olmsted homecoming fair. Someone had a junk car that you could pay a few bucks to hit with a sledgehammer. So when we got there, someone in a Geico Gecko suit was smashing away at it. It was satisfying visually to my three young boys to see a lizard smashing an old car and it appealed to my own sense of irony, being that Geico sells car insurance. Not to mention my love of destruction. I wish I had a recording to share with y'all, shucks.
