Fight the Smears
I'm listening to Michael Medved's monthly (during the full moon) Conspiracy Day and we're currently being treated to the obligatory North American Union/NAFTA Superhighway nonsense. I guess this doesn't settle it for these nut-burgers. Excerpt:
Myth: The U.S. Government, working though the SPP, has a secret plan to build a "NAFTA Super Highway."
Fact: The U.S. government is not planning a NAFTA Super Highway. The U.S. government does not have the authority to designate any highway as a NAFTA Super Highway, nor has it sought such authority, nor is it planning to seek such authority. There are private and state level interests planning highway projects which they themselves describe as "NAFTA Corridors," but these are not Federally-driven initiatives, and they are not a part of the SPP.
Myth: The U.S. Government, through the Department of Transportation, is funding secretive highway projects to become part of a “NAFTA Super Highway”.
Fact: Many States in the American Midwest are proposing or undertaking highway projects to improve or build roads as Federal-aid and State or private sector revenue becomes available. All projects involving Federal-aid funds or approvals are subject to normal Federal-aid requirements, such as review under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), including public involvement. This public involvement, the common thread among all these activities, makes them anything but “secret.” In addition, Congress directs Department of Transportation funding for specific highway projects.
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) will continue to cooperate with the State transportation departments as they build and upgrade highways to meet the needs of the 21st century. Rather than evidence of a secret plan to create a NAFTA Super Highway that would undermine our national sovereignty, the FHWA’s efforts are a routine part of cooperation with all the State transportation departments to improve the Nation’s highways.

Earlier on the show we heard that the exclusive Yale University club for rich boys Skull & Bones is actually the Pope's Army (i.e., the Knight's Templar) and as I end this post, some dude is doing his darnedest to tie the rock band Led Zeppelin to the Freemasons. I'm dying laughing. Conspiracy days never fail to satisfy.
Dude, haven't you heard? They want to have one North American money called the amero!! Some professor proposed it and Photoshopped a real Amero coin! That proves it!!! See??? Don't you get it???!??
ReplyDeleteGlenn Beck goes off on this topic about once a week. I like a lot of what Beck has to say, but there are times when I seriously worry about his sanity.
ReplyDeleteBeck is a little silly, but he's still a long way from Alex Jones.
ReplyDeleteBut listen, here's a good one. The Amero will be made from tim thus driving up the price of tin and causing a shortage. We won't be able to made tin foil hat liners and will be susceptible to the microwaves and what-not.
Well, actually tin foil is aluminum foil, so maybe the Amero will be aluminum... I don't know.
But it's happening, man, it's happening....
Guys, join the fun over here.
ReplyDeleteWeird! I never heard of Alex Jones until a few days ago, and now I'm hearing about him hin & yon. I often have the same experience with Christmas music. I'll hear some Christmas ditty I've never heard before--like "Rorate Coeli" or the Boar's Head Carol--and then, kabam, I'm hearing it everywhere. Funny how that works.