Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Financing the Culture of Death

Anne Nicol Gaylor is an old lady who likes to buy abortion services for poor women. Is she a eugenicist who wants to "clean up the chaff of humanity"? Probably. Excerpt:

On Gaylor's 80th birthday she sponsored a fund-raising event to raise funds to kill more children in the womb. Those funds go mostly to poor women to assist them in taking the life of the children in their womb. There is no effort to offer counseling or any kind of abortion alternative. Erickson writes, "Gaylor used the occasion of her 80th birthday to hold a fund-raising party for the fund at the Madison home of Dr. Dennis Christensen, an abortion provider who has since retired. Gaylor sent invitations far afield, including one to a well-to-do woman in California she'd never met but who had donated to the Freedom from Religion Foundation. The woman sent her regrets and a $20,000 check."

She also helped start the Freedom from Religion Foundation; so there you go.

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