Monday, November 1, 2010

Hugh Hewitt on Obama-Pelosi Failure

Great article. Here's the gist:

The epic loss on Tuesday will launch a thousand op-eds and who knows how many dissertations. But the explanation is very simple.

Never have two modern American leaders been so utterly bereft of graciousness. Americans do not particularly value humility in their politicians, but arrogance and disdain are poison to the public.

Read the whole thing; it's a mine of brilliant gems. Hugh Hewitt is a great writer. For instance, Harry Reid as "the Lepidus in this triumvirate" is a choice comparison, and the line "Republicans can only pray that Democrats run on 'the stimulus was too small and Obamacare insufficiently radical' in 2012 and beyond" is the perfect rebuke to those on the left disappointed with their fellow knuckleheads in power.

1 comment:

  1. short-term this is going to be a very satisfying political cycle but the next presidential term is booby-trapped if a republican wins. things are on schedule to collapse then, and i'm not sure anything can be done to prevent it (not on these shores anyway).
