Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Take it down a few notches

I noticed that this Amazon review of tLWoRL has knocked my awesome review into third place. So please do me a favor and go over there and down-ding it. Well, unless you think it's a better review. If you think the book is a "wonderful depiction of the numinous aspects of reality" or that experiences are presented in an "epistemically humble way" then vote it up, by all means. None of the other reviews use words like epistemic or numinous.


  1. I just down-dinged it! And hey, my down-ding should carry some weight. I am a loyal Amazon Prime customer who personally does all she can to help keep Amazon afloat. :D

    1. Yeeeaaaaargh! Hit it again, hit it again, harder!! harder!!

  2. What a cloying review that is -- it even works in a dig at the "siege" that LSU is under. Obviously the philosophy professors at LSU have far too little to do.

    Dreher now ranks above C.S. Lewis in the pantheon. I bet that'll get some air time over at TAC. Modestly presented, of course.

    Down ding done. Done dirt cheap.

    1. I just added a comment: "I read the book, and while I agree on the point that there's a lot of thinness therein, I also found quite a bit of surrealism as well. Strangely I also bought a present for all three of my nephews."

  3. Quote: "numinous aspects of reality"

    Quote: "…Mr. Dreher is more successful than Lewis at wringing genuine meaning from tragedy."

    Good grief. Did the guy even bother to actually read the entire book?

    RD isn't even in the same ballpark with C.S. Lewis. He's not even on the same planet.

    Yes, I went and dinged it. I wish I could ding it a few more times.

  4. LOL. Someone decided that this time the Crisco just wouldn't do to woo a Rod Dreher-endowed department chair with his name on it and decided to splurge on the expensive, numinous lip gloss instead.

    All for one and one for all.

