Monday, December 16, 2013

"And I'm not saying I'm smart!!"

Anyone here have the bird flu? Have you been rounded up into a concentration camp? Enrolled in a Babylon Mystery School? And do you remember the existence of aliens being announced? Or the internet being shut down?

The "neocons" support Hillary Clinton?

If you don't believe Alex Jones, he thinks you are a dumbass and a stupid freak. (Listen to around 10 minutes in.)

Well there is one thing Alex Jones says that I can totally agree with: "Judge a tree by its fruits."


  1. Alex Jones is a sensationalist, but he is closer to the truth than anything one can find in the New York Times and its ilk, including Fox News. I takes what I can gets. I don't hold the fact that he is entertaining against him.

  2. You won't hear about this in mass media:

    Alex Jones "bat shit"? Really? don't think so.


    Also "batshit"?

  4. and unfortunately, there's nothing batshit about Max Keiser. Would that there were.

  5. When you overstate your case, you blow your credibility and authority on other matters. Except with the fans. Alex Jones gets it right sometimes? Blind sow finds acorn.

    1. That's the problem with narrative-driven "journalism". Occam's Razor gets thrown out, along with inconvenient facts. The 9/11 Truther dogma is the best example -- any facts contrary to the desired conclusion are assumed to be corrupt.

    2. Then it is the case that literally no media outlet has credibility. What does that leave me with? Certainly not the luxury of shunning someone who is sometimes right.
      Unless you have some mystery source that never overstates its case, in which case, do tell?

    3. And how exactly do you determine when Alex Jones is "overstating his case"?

  6. Alex Jones, displaying the wild-eyed political Onanism of the conspiracy fringe, endorsed Gary Johnson for President in 2012. That is perfectly consistent. Because to these folks Romney is exactly the same as Obama.

    I disagreed with Jones on this as do most people here. But I'm not in the talkers hot 100 like he is. He makes a good living feeding nutty ideas to nut-balls and I daresay many of them eat it up.

    1. Your pose is ridiculous, because you behave as if there are dozens of accurate media outlets who are willing to expose the truth. There aren't. You should know this already. I'm willing to give the time of day to anyone who risks ridicule by asking the same questions I have. Too bad you're so wedded to the party line that you take time and energy out of your day to provide such ridicule.

  7. "He makes a good living feeding nutty ideas to nut-balls and I daresay many of them eat it up." How is this different than the New York Times?

  8. Don't bother to answer my questions. they are rhetorical. I'll just gladly take my dose of ridicule, and you can continue to leave me in the dark about what writers and media outlets pass your unstated but apparently psychically agreed-upon "reasonableness" test. Because once you try to articulate your mystery standards, i'm confident you'll come up short.

  9. Come to think of it, it might be unfair to call Jones's stuff bat guano since this substance potentially has a use as fuel. That is if Big Oil didn't keep hiring the mafia to bump off anyone associated with the alt fuel community.

    1. Yeah, whatever. I've listened to Infowars plenty this past year and not once has Alex Jones mentioned the moon. In a world that's down the rabbit hole, Jones makes more sense than those who cling to the status quo.

    2. What's your news outlet of choice, Pauli? National Review? the Sean Hannity show?

  10. On the other hand, Alex Jones may enjoy more credibility than what Obama is peddling us. Gotta give him credit for that, if only by a score of 7-5.

    1. Not just Obama, Obama and his media minions. And whoever Obama works for.

  11. Anyone taken a look at the "predictions" made by CNBC before the crash of 2000 or 2008? How many of the people who made those stellar predictions about, say, real estate prices before the crash are ridiculed? Was Jim Cramer ridiculed when he got nearly every call in ten years he made wrong, or did he get his own show? Is Peggy Noonan still considered a conservative writer, even after she touted Obama's smarts for four years, and does she still have her own column on the WSJ editorial page? (yes and yes) I'm still wondering, where are these media wizards of accuracy you are comparing favorably to Alex Jones?

  12. Uhh, I don't remember believing any of CNBC's so-called "predictions". Nor posting them.

  13. I know you didn't post them, that's my point. You're the one lambasting Alex Jones for his predictions, not me. I want to know why you're lambasting just him.

    1. Yes, this entire blog is dedicated to lambasting ONE person, and one person only. That is why it receives so much criticism for obsessing.

      And that one person is... (drum roll............)

      Alex Jones.

  14. Pauli, I very sincerely doubt Kathleen (of all people) is suggesting that you're devoting your blog to criticizing Alex Jones. Her complaint is that your specific criticism of him -- that he's made daft predictions -- is one that could be made against a lot of people who are a lot more mainstream.

    I don't keep up with this Jones, and so I don't really have a dog in this fight, but Kathleen deserves better than that kind of snark.

    1. I just think there's a huge qualitative difference between predicting that a stock is going to be a winner then it crashes and predicting that Americans are going to be herded into concentration camps.

    2. I know you do, and I'm trying to disabuse you of that notion. While I'm at it, you might introduce yourself to the concept of fraud as it pertains to Wall Street. I'll take AJ over a crook any day.

    3. Kathleen, Alex Jones makes conservatives and Christians look like fanatics and nuts. People on the left gobble this stuff up.

      Just like Buckley condemned the John Birch Society, Glenn Beck pointed out the error of Alex Jones's ways and condemned crazy stufff like trutherism and birtherism, as did many other conservatives. I'm in good company.

    4. I wouldn't necessarily take my cues on media sanity from Glenn Beck, a man who has a nervous breakdown on air every week...That said, do you also believe that the National Enquirer never ever gets a story right? Because if memory serves they broke a lot of stuff that turned out to be right but that rest of the media wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. The world is a little more complicated than you would like to believe, Pauli. You can excoriate me for saying so, but the corruption runs deep, and in times like these people like Alex Jones serve an important purpose. Sometimes we need people who are willing to make fools of themselves.

    5. "Alex Jones makes conservatives and Christians look like fanatics and nuts. People on the left gobble this stuff up."

      I know! Good thing we have sane people like John Boehner and Paul Ryan to demonstrate our reasonableness to the left, or else goodness knows what they'd think of us.
