Saturday, February 6, 2021

The Trumps: "We are not done". They're right

Donald Trump and his son rightly characterize what is going on now as a movement "against the elites". And that is why I've been in ever since, oh, around October of 2016 when I decided to take Trump's advice of "what have you got to lose?" and vote for him. Excerpt:

The former president’s son moved on to speak about how fact checkers on social media appear to be biased against conservatives while lenient toward “the other side.” Drawing from his personal experience, he said that his content is fact checked “even if there’s even a little bit” of irregularity.

“When I look at things that I put up on my social media that are totally objective or that are satire, one or the other, that [social media content] gets fact checked so that they can use that to knock my platform, to prevent me from getting any kind of reach,” he said. “I see that stuff on a daily basis, I don’t see that on the other side. I don’t see Joe Biden getting fact checked when he said he’s not going to ban fracking, when he bans fracking.”

He added, “If there’s even a little bit of ambiguity they get the benefit of the doubt, whereas if there’s even a little bit, a modicum, something like I said, subjective, who’s to know what the fact checker’s thinking, but certainly I know what I’m thinking and I can come up with a parameter that makes everything correct but the fact checkers can say that it falls outside of those lines.

“Joe Biden, not one tweet—as many incorrect ones that they’ve put out—has been fact checked. It’s truly sick,” Trump Jr. expressed.

Yep. We're sick of it.


  1. So, Pauli, did you see your shadow? ;-)

    Donald Trump has every motivation, low interest rates, hedging against a real estate bubble, profit, to convert some of his real estate worth into cyber infrastructure. By cyber infrastructure understand that means, first and foremost, a bank to process credit card and other financial transactions, then a server cloud, then a CDN, then platform software across whatever usages might be offered.

    OTOH, I hear that this little booger

    can basically run off a lightning bug if you know what you're doing (I don't).

    The biggest joke on everyone might be if Trump did all of the above, naturally under the Trump brand, including, say, seeding a thousand, or ten thousand decentralized but federated Fediverse instances, each an independent mosquito connected to every other mosquito impossible for Big Tech State to swat.

    If he did, so many people on the other side would long for the days when all he was doing was making Jack Dorsey rich.

    1. Yes, exactly... this is what a number of us have been discussing... offline of course.
