Thursday, April 21, 2011

Waiter, I'll take two spheres, over easy please

Or maybe "scrambled" better describes the Catholic League's latest report from the "you can't make this up" files.

Ricky Gervais felt the need to offer a very public "Holiday Message," notifying the world that though he is not a Christian, he is a very Christ-like person. It is revealing that this British atheist couldn't find a single secular humanist to model himself after.

That is pretty rich. Why would you want to be Christ-like if he is a total fraud? Oh, I forgot—Christians are the real frauds. We learn from James Frey with an "E" that Jesus Christ is "an alcoholic who lives in a filthy Bronx apartment, smokes dope, kisses men and impregnates prostitutes." So is that the Christ that Gervais is trying to emulate, or the regular Christ who Christians believe in? Unclear.

Anyway, Frey's book The Final Testament of the Holy Bible contains this valuable bit of info. I don't know about you, but that title smacks of dogmatism to me, does it not? Who is James Frey to assert that he has the final word. And it's far from accurate. Someone is sure to write another "testament" by Lent of next year and chances are it will be fouler and more shocking. Maybe the Jesus in the next fantasy will reside in the suburbs and have a coke problem.

There is nothing quite like doubling down on your bet that God doesn't exist and Christianity isn't true. I don't advise it. Do it every few days like these people do and you're in for quite a negative payoff when the game is up.


  1. Plus it's so original. They're really rockin the boat! My faith is totally shaken.

  2. Reminded me of this Vox Day post, answering why believers don't like self-proclaimed atheists.

    My favorite sentence of it:

    You don't have to be an asshole to call yourself an atheist, but it quite clearly helps.

  3. What they really seem to want is their own Jesus. So they set about to remake him. But by the time they're finished with their messiah, he ends up being a jerk whom no one would wish to emulate or worship.

    Of course it always appears that they are just making fun of Jesus to anger Christians. But if we think about it, it should only make us sad because I think they are really envious of us. We have something they can't have without changing their heart.
